Backup to specific volume or tape


Jul 1, 2014
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Hi Guys,

What is the best practice in taking a backup from a node to a specific tape or volume? What approach can you suggest or how should it be done. thank you in advance.
The best practice is actually to let TSM decide. TSM is an automated library manager so that you do not have to be a manual library manager.
TSM keeps track of where the data is and on which tape so that you do not have to. The reason for that is that without the TSM Server, the tape is useless anyway, so may as well let TSM manage it.

If you still want to do that, there are 2 options:
- update all the volumes to readonly except the one you want to use, do your backup, then update them back to read-only
- check out all the volumes except the one you want to use, do your backup, then checkin the other volumes

As you can see, it's a lot of work for no tangible benefit.
Guessing from the question, "backupset" is something you should look in to.