Automating TSM Installation - Uninstallation - Upgrade


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
May 10, 2006
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Hi All

I was wondering how you manage to keep you BA client up to date.. Il you are using script, deployement servers.. etc... In our situation we have more the 500 Servers.. mostly windows. We have vbscript that do the installation automatically(New servers) for windows 2k3/x32/x64 and 2k8X32 and X32 with the installation of the TDP sql if SQL is install on the server. (Version 5.5.1.X)

Now we are working on the upgrade/Uninstall script the BA client and TDP.. I found that using the package name during the unistallation is some time unreliable.. so we use the MSI GUID.. Does any one is doing the same thing or maybe i'm going in a wild goose chase?

If so is there a list of TSM BA MSI GUID?
This is what i got so far
551 X32 {DCEF6011-844B-4428-ADE2-A29EEED34D53}

i'm open to any comments/sugestion/insult etc.
I have used IBM Director in the past to distribute TSM agents for Windows-type nodes. In my experience, what is important is the creation of an answer file when using the .exe install option.

Having said this, I still need to get to the node to do some further configuration for new installs but minimal to none on upgrades. I generally don't need to uninstall an old client. What I do, and again IBM Director does this well, is to create a script to stop the TSM services first before doing an upgrade. After the upgrade, the TSM Scheduler is restarted.
Since we are not a fully IBM shop, We do not use IBM director.. The reason why I Uninstall the BA client is that some previous installation, option like open file and Image backup as been installed.(5.3 and 5.4) clients. I want to uninstall them and go with a case per case installation. So we can have a "Standardize" BA Park. Antoher point is i want to give the installation and upgrade to the NT admins. All configuraiton script are done.. I just need to finish the "uninstall/upgrade" script before giving it to them.
It's a VBscript with a web interface, so that the admin can chose the package(BA,TDP,Exchage) it will install it,configure it automatically and send an e-mail to the TSM admin telling us the installation is done.
I foud something better... for those who play with vbscript with the installation of there TDP or BA client... This will uninstall the client what ever the version you will use.
On Error Resume Next
Const AppName = "IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client"
'Const AppName = "IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases - MS SQL"
'IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'First, find the GUID 
strComputer = "."
Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\"&_ 
strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
objReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKeyPath, arrSubKeys
For Each subkey In arrSubKeys
[INDENT]InstalledAppName = ""
InstalledAppName = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\" & strKeyPath & "\" & subkey & "\DisplayName")
If InStr(InstalledAppName, AppName) > 0 Then
GUID = ""
RawGUID = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\" & strKeyPath & "\" & subkey & "\UninstallString")
GUID = Mid(RawGUID, instr(RawGUID, "{"), 38) 
If GUID<>"" Then
[INDENT]' Found matching GUID, removing...
WshShell.Run "msiexec /x " & GUID & " /qb"
Exit For
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I m looking for a vbscript to automatically intall TSM on new severs, i saw your post mentioning that you have the script. Please can you share it.
