New Release Announcement: IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.9 and IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.5


Nov 22, 2011
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I am excited to provide update around IBM Spectrum Protect New release, it's available for download starting from November 22nd.

IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.9 and IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.5 deliver the following new capabilities and feature enhancements:
  • Container support with Kubernetes integration. Enables developers to natively backup containers in a Kubernetes environment through easy backup and restore of persistent volumes.
  • IBM Spectrum Protect for Microsoft Exchange Online and OneDrive. Simplifies protection and retention of vital business data in Exchange Online and OneDrive.
  • Retention hold for data compliance enabled. Provides security data compliance with the ability to support retention holds.
  • Dual authorization. It provides greater cyber resiliency with dual authorization for administration.
  • Support for VMware Cloud on AWS that includes the function that provides unified protection for VMware VMs in a VMware Cloud on AWS environment.
  • Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) Windows™ enhancement enables easier administration with the ability to display monitoring and configuration data that analyzes the health of Windows file servers.
  • Other key enhancements include:
    • VMware streaming restores ensure higher performance when recovering a large number of VMs.
    • Microsoft SQL Server includes the following capabilities:
      • Better audit capabilities by registering activity in the Microsoft SQL Server audit logs
      • Ability to remotely trigger log backup by using IBM Spectrum Protect Plus API and get status updates on REST API log backups through REST APIs, integrity checks, and perform direct backup to vSnap
    • Enhanced LDAP integration that enables administrators to integrate with more complex LDAP structures and easily search LDAP groups and trees to quickly find user groups.
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