Hyper-V VM backups - why disks became thick-provisioned


Jan 17, 2012
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I have a customer using TSM (Spectrum Protect) for VE on Hyper-V to back up Hyper-V VMs. They have a weekly full and daily incremental approach for the VM backups. The incremental backups were fine so far, but don't know why the full backups become almost 3 times larger than before after a certain day a few weeks ago. This happens on many VMs (but not all), and I just focus on 1 large VM here.

4 weeks ago, the backup size was like this:
Total number of bytes inspected: 1.85 TB
Total number of bytes transferred: 643.02 GB

But since 3 weeks ago, it became like this:
Total number of bytes inspected: 1.85 TB
Total number of bytes transferred: 1.85 TB

The backup uses "IFFULL" mode, there is no change to the backup script or Spectrum Protect software version at all, but the environment has some automatic Microsoft Windows Update patching implemented, and I found the last patching date is a mid-week day in between the 2 full backups schedules. Now the backup is almost taking a whole day to complete which is a big problem.

While I already opened an IBM PMR but they are responding slowly (plus, I wonder if it could be related to Microsoft they may be unable to help), so I get on here and see if anyone has got some similar experience and is there any fix to this.

The Hyper-V environment uses Windows 2012 R2 with SP for VE 8.1.8.
