Backup Completion for Specific Node


Unregistered / Unconfirmed
Sep 14, 2010
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I am living in Mumbai.

I have TSM version 6.4.3 and using TSM Operational Reporting - Version 5, Release 5, Level 7.0 to get daily backup reports for 24hrs. We got new requirement for compliance team to provide separate report for each node. How can i get the same? I tried to frame select statements but not make it. Can some one help?

Currently total 10 nodes report coming in single html format which i want separate for each node.
You should upgrade to a current release and use the Operation Center to create you reports, it will be much easier to do. You can add any SQL query you want to reports in the Operation Center. You'd just need to create 10 reports and have where clause in each with `NODE_NAME='NODE'`.
You should upgrade to a current release and use the Operation Center to create you reports, it will be much easier to do. You can add any SQL query you want to reports in the Operation Center. You'd just need to create 10 reports and have where clause in each with `NODE_NAME='NODE'`.
Thanks but i could not frame complete SQL query. can you pls update me?
What's the query you are using today for your current report that shows all nodes?
What's the query you are using today for your current report that shows all nodes?
We are using below script.
Select entity, substr(cast(min(start_time) as char(29)),1,10) as "start date" , substr(cast(min(start_time) as char(29)),12,8) as"start time", substr(cast(max(end_time) as char(29)),1,10) as "end date", substr(cast(max(end_time) as char(29)),12,8) as "end time", cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(8,2)) as MB, successful from summary where activity='BACKUP' and start_time>=(current_timestamp - 30 hours) group by entity, successful, bytes
Ok, so you just need to add to your where clause:
... where activity='BACKUP' and entity='NODENAME' and start_time ...