Clearing Space from drive


May 29, 2017
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Hi All ,

I need to clear the space from the L drive for which we are getting high usage alert . It is used by the app_data pool .
I ran reclamation to free up volumes and delete them (long process) .
Is there a better way to do it . I have to reduce the space by around 300GB on the L drive for the alerts to stop .

Also , I deleted 4 volumes the other day which were in empty state . I deleted from server and then removed it manually from L drive . It did not reflect . Each volume is of 50GB and I couldn't see a single gb of space free'd up on the drive .
Please guide me with this .
Thank you !
And those 4 empty volumes definitely started with 'L:\..' ?
Are you letting TSM manage the volumes (i.e the creation and deletion of them as and when required) MAXSCRATCH = 99999 within the FILE devclass. If so it could have created 4 more scratch volumes momentarily after you deleted the other ones, using up the space again, especially if backups are running at the time of the vol deletion when new scratch volumes are required!

I tend to disable third party alerting for these kinds of setups knowing that a given Stg Pool LUN could potentially fill to the max and reduce on the fly. You can setup TSM/PROTECT alert triggers to warn you if a STG Pool capacity utilization reaches a certain % instead. Less bother all round.

Have you reviewed your data retention settings, stg pool reclaim thresholds, 'delay period for volume reuse setting' in conjunction with your DB backups. Also worth identifying possible decommissioned nodes/vm's or File Spaces that haven't backed up for a long period of time. All of these could produce some storage savings, which would then recoup some of the physical disk space during your daily MAINTENANCE window.