One Container Stgpool or Two???


ADSM.ORG Senior Member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Customer wants to put 500 Windows client’s backup data on Container storage pool. The nodes are split 250 Prod & 250 Dev and they only need to DR via replication the Prod data.

Do I create one container storage pool or two containers? If I create one it will copy all extents via Protect Storage pool and node replication would send meta data for Prod nodes. Is that a waste of space on DR side to send the data for Dev nodes?? DR Target site has less disk space available than Source site.

Would creating two container storage pools be less efficient use of disk storage??
One storage pool is recommended because it's easier to manager and there is higher dedup ratio.

My customers that have two pools normally have one dedup and one traditional. They use the traditional pool for backups that don't dedup well, like data that is encrypted prior to the backup, like certain DB backups. And everything else to a single container pool.
Thanks for the response. I've been doing the single pool for quite a while for those same reasons. The situation with this customer is 50% of the data on the source does not need to be DR protected and they are buying storage to reflect that. For some raw numbers, if they have 1 PB of primary storage 500 TB is prod and 500 TB is dev. Theoretically, you would need approx 100 to 150 TB of container storage pool space. If they're only going to protect 500 TB offsite then they only need 50-75 TB at DR site.

So the question would be splitting in two pools would that make my source side storage swell to 150 - 200 TB?? And would that overall make any additional storage on DR side not worth it??

I'm leaning toward just a single pool to provide the benefits of repairing storage pool in event of an issue, but wanted to hear some other ideas.
If you are going to protect all the data, may as well replicate too. Replicate only sends metadata since the protect already sent all the data.

They may have a case where using 2 pools would have benefits. But even if they don't need the data for DR, are they ok with losing some of the data in the pool should there be a problem with the storage?
Customer wants to put 500 Windows client’s backup data on Container storage pool. The nodes are split 250 Prod & 250 Dev and they only need to DR via replication the Prod data.

Do I create one container storage pool or two containers? If I create one it will copy all extents via Protect Storage pool and node replication would send meta data for Prod nodes. Is that a waste of space on DR side to send the data for Dev nodes?? DR Target site has less disk space available than Source site.

Would creating two container storage pools be less efficient use of disk storage??

I'd go with two separate container pools. No point replicating the data via protect stgpool if the customer has no requirement for DR on the Dev hosts, so only way around that is to have two separate container pools.

