
Aug 16, 2016
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Hello team,

I have a windows backup that is failing with this error since 3 days ago.
The information online is kind of confusing among all the answers

Hope anybody has a clue, thanks

01/21/2020 18:14:00 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
TSM function name : AddToSnapshotSet
TSM function : 'AddToSnapshotSet failed with error VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR. 0X8004230F'
TSM return code : -2147212529
TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\asrutil.cpp (2283)
01/21/2020 18:14:00 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
TSM function name : AddToSnapshotSet
TSM function : 'AddToSnapshotSet failed with error VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR. 0X8004230F'
TSM return code : -2147212529
TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\asrutil.cpp (2283)
01/21/2020 18:14:00 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
TSM function name : BackupComplete()
TSM function : 'BackupComplete() failed with error VSS_E_BAD_STATE. 0X80042301'
TSM return code : -2147212543
TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\asrutil.cpp (2505)
01/21/2020 18:14:00 ANS1468E Backing up Automated System Recovery (ASR) files failed. No files will be backed up.
01/21/2020 18:57:09 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'INCR_1900' failed. Return code = 12.
Best bet is to look at Windows event viewer. You will likely see VSS errors there. Next step is to track down what is causing the error. Could be as simple as a vss writer is missing, or stuck. Or you may need a ticket to Microsoft.

My Windows team hates me when I come to them with VSS issues. So I wish you the best of luck.
My windows team says everything is good from their side...:(
i am still getting ...

02/06/2020 18:14:20 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
TSM function name : AddToSnapshotSet
TSM function : 'AddToSnapshotSet failed with error VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR. 0X8004230F'
TSM return code : -2147212529
TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\asrutil.cpp (2283)
02/06/2020 18:14:21 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
TSM function name : AddToSnapshotSet
TSM function : 'AddToSnapshotSet failed with error VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR. 0X8004230F'
TSM return code : -2147212529
TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\asrutil.cpp (2283)
02/06/2020 18:14:21 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
TSM function name : BackupComplete()
TSM function : 'BackupComplete() failed with error VSS_E_BAD_STATE. 0X80042301'
TSM return code : -2147212543
TSM file : ..\..\common\winnt\asrutil.cpp (2505)
02/06/2020 18:14:21 ANS1468E Backing up Automated System Recovery (ASR) files failed. No files will be backed up.
02/06/2020 19:12:50 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'INCR_1900' failed. Return code = 12.
With out seeing what event viewer is reporting and even with event viewer it will be very hard to troubleshoot via forum.

How big is the drive? How much free space does it have? How taxed is the IO on it? All of those can affect VSS operations. Are there other backup products installed?

If you run vssadmin list writers, are any writers missing or in an error state? To see missing writers poke about on Microsoft's website or look at a known working system. Also look for non-standard writers that could have been installed due to another backup provider (Symantec for example). For those, you'd have to research on how to remove.

Also what OS level and client version are you running? Unlikely a flaw in either, but could happen. Also is this a physical or virtual system?

Also, when was the machine in question last rebooted? Sometimes vss errors clear up with a simple reboot. Silly I know, but does tend to help.
My windows team says everything is good from their side...:(
That's common.

TSM function : 'AddToSnapshotSet failed with error VSS_E_UNEXPECTED_PROVIDER_ERROR. 0X8004230F'
VSS_E_BAD_STATE. 0X80042301'
Those are all actual VSS errors reported by the Windows to Spectrum Protect.

Test this outside Spectrum Protect to isolate the issue. Follow this technote and use the section Test a snapshot of SystemState to test.

If it fails, the data generated in c:\diskshadowsnap.out can be used to troubleshoot. The System State backup will not work in Spectrum Protect unless it's possible to successfully create a snapshot with the procedure above.