
Re: [Networker] About clone time retention ...

2012-01-12 06:53:52
Subject: Re: [Networker] About clone time retention ...
From: Frank Swasey <Frank.Swasey AT UVM DOT EDU>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 06:53:31 -0500
Today at 11:29am, Thierry Faidherbe wrote:

mminfo -q ssid=1460574030 -r "sscreate,ssbrowse,ssretent,clretent,volume"

ss created  browse time  retention    clone rete volume

12/01/2012  12/02/2012   12/08/2012   16/02/2012 L50000 (BACKUP)

12/01/2012  12/02/2012   12/08/2012   12/07/2012 L50149 (CLONE1)

12/01/2012  12/02/2012   12/08/2012   12/08/2012 L50150 (CLONE2)

As it is supported that clone copy to have a different retention

the backup copy may have, then, given that,

I am confused with ssretent and clrentent fields :

1)  why/where does clretent of 16/02 come from for backup copy ?

I'm not sure. I believe it has to do with the way that your retention of "1 month" is defined in NetWorker. What is the definition for "1 Month" in your NetWorker configuration? If it is not that, is there a retention defined for the pool that L50000 is a member of? If that is not it, someone else will have to educate both of us.

2)  When will be marked recyclable backup copy ?

      12/02 as per original SSRETENT and CLRETENT or

      12/07 as per new SSRETENT ?

Each clone (including the original copy) is marked recyclable when its clretent is reached. So, the original backup copy will be marked recyclable on 16/02 (per your mminfo output).

3)  When will clone 1 copy expire ?

12/07 or 12/08 ?

CLONE1 will expire on 12/07.

Am I correct assuming it as just a ?display? feature,

SSRETENT being just overwritten and media management

has to rely on CLRETENT / volexpire fields ?

SSRETENT will take on the value of the CLRETENT that is the furthest out. When CLRETENT was added, SSRETENT was changed to be the date when all clones of the SS will finally have expired. The original backup copy is now considered to be a clone. Each copy is expired when its CLRETENT date is reached.

Frank Swasey                    |
Sr Systems Administrator        | Always remember: You are UNIQUE,
University of Vermont           |    just like everyone else.
  "I am not young enough to know everything." - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

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