
[Networker] Can scanner read Oracle data?

2011-09-03 00:40:41
Subject: [Networker] Can scanner read Oracle data?
From: George Sinclair <George.Sinclair AT NOAA DOT GOV>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 00:37:46 -0400

I have tape that has some Oracle (RMAN) save sets on it created using NMO. It also has some flat file backups of some Oracle log files and some client indexes. I just wanted to test to see if I could read a save set on the tape, low level, to test the integrity of the tape. I already have a clone of it, which I guess is a valid enough test without actually recovering it from RMAN, but I decided to try scanner just for laughs.

Running scanner without actually recovering the data works fine, and everything is reported - no errors, even when running with '-p' and '-v' options. Recovering regular flat file backups, and even a client index was also successful, but I get the following error when I try to recover an actual save set that used NMO:

scanner -s server -f 333 -S 492892121 /dev/nst0 -x uasm -rv
8909:scanner: using 'rd=proust:/dev/nst0' as the device name
8936:scanner: scanning LTO Ultrium-4 tape ORA001L4 on rd=proust:/dev/nst0
4669:uasm: xdr bytes failed -- bad save stream

8767:scanner: write failed, Broken pipe
29485:scanner: ssid 492892121: scan complete
8786:scanner: ssid 492892121: 10 MB, 1 file(s)

It created a zero length file named c-171345260-20110902-00. The name in the media database is: RMAN:c-171345260-20110902-00, and it's 10 MB.

Obviously, you can't recover Oracle save sets using save set recover. These have to be recovered using RMAN. Yes, I knew that, and ditto with a browseable recovery - again, RMAN is required - but I was thinking that maybe scanner might be able to read the data off to disk since NetWorker wrote it to tape to begin with, right? Anyway, I wasn't expecting to be able to actually do anything with the recovered data, since that requires RMAN, but thought maybe, just maybe scanner might pull it off the tape anyway?

Is the error message surprising? Is this what one would expect to see?



George Sinclair
Voice: (301) 713-3284 x210
- The preceding message is personal and does not reflect any official or unofficial position of the United States Department of Commerce -
- Any opinions expressed in this message are NOT those of the US Govt. -

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