
Re: [Networker] recover oddity

2007-01-20 12:17:21
Subject: Re: [Networker] recover oddity
From: Adrian Saul <asaul AT HOME-BOX.ODS DOT ORG>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 04:07:47 +1100
Were the files actually from the 17th or the 15th?

Even if you changetime to the 17th, if the last good backup of those files was the 15th, that is what Networker will go and find.

Check your indexes and see if you have savesets for those files between the 15th and 17th.

Tom Jones wrote:
I had to restore a folder for a user on our email server.
I ran recover at the Unix command line, changetime to 01/17
and found the desired files.  I mounted the tape for
01/17 (Wed.001) but the requested volume was Monday's
tape (Mon.001).  I mounted Mon.001 and successfully
restored the files.

I'm looking for a reason for the files found in recover
with a date of 01/17 and a volume that was written on
01/15.  We perform full backups each night.

Do I need to rebuild indexes or perform any other

Tom Jones

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