
[Networker] savepnpc usage

2006-10-17 11:07:28
Subject: [Networker] savepnpc usage
From: "Browning, David" <DBrown AT LSUHSC DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:55:05 -0500
Just recently our server admins have taken an increased interest in pre
and post processing backup commands, and we've started using SAVEPNPC.  


I was just curious how other people used this - in our case using it in
our VMWAVE backups, to close down certain services.   We might use it
for other servers.  


Secondly, do you lump all of your SAVEPNPC clients together, in one
group, or do you give each client its own group?  Lastly do you lump
your SAVEFS clients in the same group as your SAVEPNPC clients, or
create a group for SAVEFS, and another group for SAVEPNPC?


Just curious as to what everyone else does - thanks. 


David M. Browning Jr.

LSUHSC Enterprise Network Operations/Help Desk

(504) 568-4364 (Direct)



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