
[Networker] Legato Network 7.2 not working after Win2003 Service Pack 1

2006-04-22 02:09:15
Subject: [Networker] Legato Network 7.2 not working after Win2003 Service Pack 1
From: "Meyerson, Mark" <Mark.Meyerson AT SMITHANDHAWKEN DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:53:34 -0700
I installed Service Pack one form Win2003 Server and Legato network just
stop being unable to do back ups

I tried to manually start a job and it would never start (and never
showing an error)
I was also unable to see the details of a back up job

So I've uninstalled SP1 and just started a back up job and it worked

Has anyone here had this to them?

The same thing happened when I installed SP1 when I had 7.1
I called legato tech support and they said I should upgrade to 7.2 and
it will fix the problem (this call was 6 months ago)
Well I had the exact problem when I updated to 7.2

Any suggestions would be very helpful.

Mark Meyerson
Windows Sys Admin
Smith and Hawken/Scotts

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