Re: LTO2 is unconfident

2005-07-05 04:15:17
Subject: Re: LTO2 is unconfident
From: Jurjen Oskam <jurjen AT STUPENDOUS DOT ORG>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:15:08 +0200
On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 02:02:02PM +0700, nghiatd wrote:

>   a.. 9 tapes have 'Access=Read-Only', 'Number of Write Errors: 1'
>   b.. 1 tape has 'Access=Unavailable', 'Number of Write Errors: 1

Perhaps that batch of LTO2 tapes was bad, but it's more likely that one
of your drives has problems. Check your logs to see in which drive all
these errors occurred.

> In addition, Capacity of tape aslo display lot of different value (629,557.2 
> MB; 372,665.2 MB; 481,247.3 MB) although capacity of tapes is 200/400 GB.

This is normal. 200 GB is the maximum uncompressed capacity of a volume,
400 GB is the maximum compressed capacity *assuming you'll achieve
a compression ratio of 2:1*. When your data is higly compressable, you can
store more than 400 GB on a tape. When your data is already compressed,
you can only store 200 GB.

Since TSM doesn't know what data you'll be sending to tape, the
indicated capacity of a tape is an estimate, *until* the tape is
filled up. At that point, you know the exact amount of data written
to the volume, so TSM changes the capacity to that amount.
Jurjen Oskam

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