select question: Finding files bound to an archive management class per node ?

2005-03-15 08:32:32
Subject: select question: Finding files bound to an archive management class per node ?
From: Rainer Wolf <rainer.wolf AT KIZ.UNI-ULM DOT DE>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 14:25:40 +0100
we have discontinued a way to archive data on some special hardware
and the archive-copygrous are now modified with a 'copy destination' named NONE
that points to nothing and will give an error message if someone is using that.
One question is : can someone help me with a select command that shows
those files or just the number of files  that are bound to an archive 
management class xxxx in a
policy domain yyyy and is stored by a node zzzz ?
Alternatively a select that shows those files  or just the number of files that 
bound to an archive management class xxxx in a policy domain yyyy and is
stored  in a given storagepool zzzz ?
I need that because some day those obsolete archive copygroups should be deleted
-the archive data is not unlimited by time-  if not needed anymore.

My other question is: is there a way to make management classes kind of
unseen to the client if those archive managementclasses /  archive copygroups
are not usable anymore and just defined at the server for not to lose the data ?

... or is there something else what can be done ?

Greetings and Thanks a lot in advance !

Rainer Wolf                              Mail:  rainer.wolf AT kiz.uni-ulm DOT 
Kommunikations und Informationszentrum   Tel/Fax:  ++49 731 50-22482/22471
Abt. Infrastruktur, Uni Ulm              Web:

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