Re: ANS3408W The volume /xxx/xxxx contains bad blocks

2004-06-07 14:39:25
Subject: Re: ANS3408W The volume /xxx/xxxx contains bad blocks
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 14:39:04 -0400
>The message manual content is derived from the same source as what we
>include in the product help facility ("dsmc help"). Differences from the
>published/online manuals would only be due to a lag between the time we
>add/change a message in the help facility and the time it takes to get the
>changes into the formal publications. Because of how we develop the
>messages, barring a build or package defect, if we can issue the message,
>we can at least display help for it via "dsmc help".

Andy - Thanks for clearing up the mystery message number.

Unfortunately, documentation of 'dsmc help' in the client manuals is "lazy",
failing to say much of anything about what it can provide, and says nothing
about the information it provides also including ANS* message numbers.  And
even then, because of the linear rather than hierarchical presentation of
dsmc help command generated list, the available messages info is rather
hidden.  As a result, I expect that only a tiny fraction of TSM customers
realize that messages help is available via the CLI.  The client manuals
need to advise customers on what info is available via 'dsmc help'.  The
way it is, it's largely a lost opportunity: some developer(s) go to all the
trouble to incorporate all that info into the command, and almost no one
knows it's there.

It would be much better to have 'dsmc help' work like the admirable tapeutil
command, which very nicely lays out, on a primary screen, its main
ingredients.  The design of 'dsmc help' harks back to v1, and sorely needs
redesign to meet contemporary (ASCII) interface standards of usability.

    thanks,  Richard Sims