Curious - Any Suggestions

2003-06-26 14:38:19
Subject: Curious - Any Suggestions
From: Mahesh Tailor <MTailor AT CARILION DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 14:37:13 -0400
Hello, everyone!

IBM pSeries 6M1 w/8GB RAM & 6-processors
Diskpool: 455GB
Tape Library: IBM 3494 w/6 - 3590H1A-FC drives; each drive is direct
attached to 6M1
Nightly backup: 1-2TB - 1.5TB

Running a backup stg tapepool copypool maxpr=2 and have this strange

tsm: TSM01>q pro

 Process     Process Description      Status

--------     --------------------
     222     Backup Storage Pool      Primary Pool TAPEPOOL, Copy Pool
                                       Backed Up: 196796, Bytes Backed
                                       385,138,382,699, Unreadable
Files: 0, Unreadable
                                       Bytes: 0. Current Physical File
                                       1,677,934,931~Current input
                                       T11272.~Current output volume:

tsm: TSM01>q sess

  Sess     Comm.      Sess         Wait       Bytes       Bytes
Sess      Platform     Client Name
Number     Method     State        Time        Sent       Recvd
------     ------     ------     ------     -------     -------
-----     --------     --------------------
10,310     Tcp/Ip     Run          0 S        3.1 K         334
Admin     AIX          ADMIN

tsm: TSM01>q db f=d

          Available Space (MB): 64,948
        Assigned Capacity (MB): 41,940
        Maximum Extension (MB): 23,008
        Maximum Reduction (MB): 10,000
             Page Size (bytes): 4,096
            Total Usable Pages: 10,736,640
                    Used Pages: 4,526,680
                      Pct Util: 42.2
                 Max. Pct Util: 42.2
              Physical Volumes: 26
             Buffer Pool Pages: 32,768
         Total Buffer Requests: 252,290,353
                Cache Hit Pct.: 99.51
               Cache Wait Pct.: 0.00
           Backup in Progress?: No
    Type of Backup In Progress:
  Incrementals Since Last Full: 0
Changed Since Last Backup (MB): 853.36
            Percentage Changed: 4.83
Last Complete Backup Date/Time: 06/26/03   00:30:54

tsm: TSM01>q log f=d

       Available Space (MB): 8,024
     Assigned Capacity (MB): 8,024
     Maximum Extension (MB): 0
     Maximum Reduction (MB): 8,020
          Page Size (bytes): 4,096
         Total Usable Pages: 2,053,632
                 Used Pages: 281
                   Pct Util: 0.0
              Max. Pct Util: 15.5
           Physical Volumes: 4
             Log Pool Pages: 512
         Log Pool Pct. Util: 1.80
         Log Pool Pct. Wait: 0.00
Cumulative Consumption (MB): 482,846.17
Consumption Reset Date/Time: 03/17/03   12:13:14

 . . . given the above, this system is sitting essentially idle; but in
the q pro output above the Files Backed Up has been sitting at the same
number with the same Current Physical File for more than 30-minutes.
Surely, this should have completed by now!?!

JFYI, given that I issued the command with maxpr=2 there should have
been two processes; one of the processes completed successfully.

There are no errors in the actlog.  When I go through the 3494's web
interface, there are no commands in queue.  All drives are available,
all paths are available, no errors on FC adapters, or network
interfaces.  No errors on either volume.  I know this should really not
be affected, but here it is anyway: (a) CPU Utilization for last
20-minutes on all processors is less than 1%  (b) no page faults, page
ins or outs, and (c) all hard drives are at 0% busy.

Anyone else experienced something like this?  Any suggestions?



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