Re: creating scripts running outside of TSM - password issue AN A NSWER

2002-06-14 23:18:41
Subject: Re: creating scripts running outside of TSM - password issue AN A NSWER
From: "Seay, Paul" <seay_pd AT NAPTHEON DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2002 23:16:18 -0400
The way I do it is create a script with rwx------ attributes.  This way only
root and myself can execute it or read it.  This is the Windows example:

@echo off
set key=%1
set parmin=%~f2
set rc=99
pushd \"program files"\tivoli\tsm\baclient\
dsmadmc -id=userid -password=password -displaymode=table %1 %parmin%
set rc=%errorlevel%
echo Return Code from dsmadmc %rc%
set errorlevel=%rc%

This is the UNIX ksh example:

dsmadmc -id=userid -password=password -displaymode=table $key $parmin
echo Return Code from dsmadmc $rtc
exit $rtc

I also have a template version and a perl script that will randomly generate
a new password and issue a change password for itself and update the script
on a regular basis.  The userid is a special userid not the one that I use
on a daily basis.

This is the template:

# This is the TSM Perl Macros Interface Script
dsmadmc -id=controlm -password=$$temppass -displaymode=table $key $parmin
echo Return Code from dsmadmc $rtc
exit $rtc

This is the perl script to change the password:

# Random Password Generator and Change Facility for TSM Control-M Userid
# The purpose of this script is to allow the automation of password changes
# to a dsmadmc batch invocation script and the TSM Server.  The process
# uses a template file exactly like the current file to build the temporary
# file.  A random password is generated with the NGNN format.
# As the template is copied to the temporary file the string "$$temppass"
# is changed to the new 8 character password.
# Once everything is staged, an update of the TSM server administrator
# password is issued and the files are cascade renamed.  The current
# production file is renamed to a ".old" file and the temporary
# file is renamed to be the new production file.
# The file can be any type of ascii text file.  However, execution rights
# are not set by this script and must be done externally in the production
# job that executes this script.
# Invocation: [input template file]
#                                [current production file]
#                                [userid of TSM administrator]
# Input Arguments:
#                  [input template file]
#                   This is a template file used to build the new production
#                   file.  Typically, it is an identical copy of the current
#                   production file except for a specification of $$temppass
#                   where password substitutions are to be made.
#                  [current production file]
#                   This is the current production file to be replaced by
#                   updated template file.  The previous version of this
#                   is renamed to ".old".  The current production file must
#                   exist and must be a script file to be executed to issue
#                   the "UPDATE ADMIN" command.  Typically, this is the
#                   dsmadmc.bat script.
#                  [userid TSM administrator]
#                   This is the userid of the TSM administrator in the
#                   production file.  It is used to issue the "UPDATE ADMIN"
#                   command.
# Fetch the arguements into a list
@argin = @ARGV;
$numargs = scalar(@argin);
if ($numargs != 3)
   {print ("Input File, Output File, and Userid are Required\n");
    exit 99;
   {$infile = @argin[0];
    $outfile = @argin[1];
    $userid = @argin[2];
    print ("Template: ", $infile, "\n");
    print ("Output:   ", $outfile, "\n");
if (!-e$infile)
   {print ("Template does not exist.\n");
    exit 99;
if (!-e$outfile)
   {print ("Output File does not exist.\n");
    exit 99;
# Setup the pattern arrays
@lista = ('B'..'D','F'..'H','J'..'N','P'..'T','V'..'Z');
# Build an all consonants 8 character password
do {$pw[$x] = @lista[int(rand (21))];
    } until $x++ == 7;
# Read the template script and write the run script
#  1)  Make sure the template script can be read and updated
#  2)  Make sure the output script can be openned in/out
#  3)  Execute the current script with a password update
#  4)  Write the new updated template to the output area
# Open the template file
if (!open (infile, '<'.$infile))
   {print ("Template could not be opened");
    exit 99;
# Open the temporary output file
if (!open (outfile, '>'.$outfile.'.tmp'))
   {print ("Temporary output file could not be opened: ", $outfile.".tmp");
    close infile;
    exit 99;
# Copy the records of the Template to the temporary output file
# Change the $$temppass to the new password
while (<infile>)
   {$infile_rec = $_;
    $outfile_rec = $infile_rec;
    $pws = join('',@pw[0..7]);
    $outfile_rec =~ s/\$\$temppass/$pws/;
    print outfile ($outfile_rec);
close infile;
close outfile;
# Build an UPDATE ADMIN command to change the password
$command = $outfile.' "update admin '.$userid.' password='.$pws.'"';
system($command);                                 # call the dsmadmc
$exit_value = $? >> 8;                            # shift to get the return
if ($exit_value == 0)
   {print ("Update Successful for Admin Userid: ", $userid, "\n");
   {print ("Update Unsuccessful for Admin Userid: ", $userid, "\n");
    exit $exit_value;
rename $outfile,$outfile.'.old';
if ($? == 0)
   {rename $outfile.'.tmp',$outfile;
    if ($? != 0)
       {print ("Rename .tmp to Current Failed RC: ", $?, "\n");
        exit 99;
   {print ("Rename Current to .old Failed RC: ", $?,"\n");
    exit 99;
print ("File Renames Completed Successfully");
exit 0;

I changed the script to not reveal some security stuff at our site and have
not tested it, but it should work.

The reason I do things this way is we run both windows and unix servers on
multiple platforms.  I write the OS piece in the little dsmadmc.bat and
inteface to it from all my perl scripts which are written platform

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon, INC

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