Re: Automating Drmedia moves

2001-08-17 11:49:24
Subject: Re: Automating Drmedia moves
From: "Prather, Wanda" <Wanda.Prather AT JHUAPL DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:50:44 -0400
As the previous reply showed, DRM will do the moves, but it will take the
FILLING tapes as well as the FULL ones.  (Most people assume that the day
you send your stuff to the vault, you should be sending ALL the data,
whether the tapes are full or not.)

If you really want to send only the FULL tapes, you will have to do the MOVE
DRMEDIA one volume at a time.
This query will get only the FULL tapes still in your storage pool.

from volumes where stgpool_name='yourcopypoolname' and access='READWRITE'
and status='FILLING' > c:\anyfilenameyouwant

In this query, the first 3 values in single quotes are just parroted back as
text, so it will put commands into the output file that look like this:

Unnamed[1]        VOLUME_NAME            Unnamed[3]            Unnamed[4]

-------------     ------------------     -----------------
move drmedia      VVVVV1        WHEREST=MOUNTABLE      TOSTATE=VAULT
move drmedia      VVVVV1        WHEREST=MOUNTABLE      TOSTATE=VAULT
move drmedia      VVVVV2        WHEREST=MOUNTABLE      TOSTATE=VAULT

You can edit out the header lines, then execute the MOVE DRMEDIA commands as
a macro.

If you want to automate the whole process, you will need to do a little more
scripting to clean up the header garbage before running the script as a
macro.  On an AIX host, it's easy to do with the shell scripting langauge
that's already there.  On a Windows host, I dunno - you will need a
scripting engine, like REXX or perl, to do the same thing.

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