Re: Sharedmem on Solaris 2.6

2000-09-08 11:18:17
Subject: Re: Sharedmem on Solaris 2.6
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2000 11:17:58 -0400
>I'm currently running TSM 3.7on Solaris on an E10k. We're trying to used 
>Commethod Sharedmem.
>Can anyone tell me how much sharedmem TSM tries to get by default and how I 
>can modify this setting?

I haven't seen documentation describing TSM's utilization of shared memory.
But you may want to look at APAR  IC20502  in its description of defining
shared memory in the Solaris operating system.  The Solaris manuals
undoubtedly talk in depth about this.
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