Re: Netware "Directory path not found" problem

2000-08-15 07:54:49
Subject: Re: Netware "Directory path not found" problem
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 07:54:05 -0400
>When I try a backup I get the following error.
>11.08.2000 12:42:46 (TSA500.NLM 5.3 259) This program cannot allocate a
>directory handle.
>11.08.2000 12:42:46 ANS1076E *** Directory path not found ***

Please tell us specifically how you are invoking the backup, and with
what parameters.  In the past, some customers have encountered this when
they incorrectly specified the object to back up.
  Richard Sims, BU
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