Re: Expiration Performance Statistics

2000-01-20 09:41:12
Subject: Re: Expiration Performance Statistics
From: "Medico, Frederic" <FMedico AT KJS DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 15:41:12 +0100
> Frederic - Same disk hardware for the Database and Recovery Log?

Yes, unfortunatly the db and the log are on the same diskS (mirrored) but on
the two machines
(We are planning to change this)

> Same db hit ratio?

Good remark, the hit ratio was around 95% on the S7A, and 98.50% on the High
-> I will increase the BUFPoolsize from 65536 to 131072 (like it is on the
High Node)
High Node)

SP2 System Engineer Anderlecht