Re: exclude does not work in AIX?

1999-05-17 12:16:48
Subject: Re: exclude does not work in AIX?
From: Steven P Roder <tkssteve AT REXX.ACSU.BUFFALO DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 12:16:48 -0400
On Mon, 17 May 1999, William Wang wrote:
> Thank you.
> But there is still some problems.
> What I did (login as root) is:
> add "inclexcl /usr/lpp/adsm/bin/inex.lst" in /usr/lpp/adsm/bin/dsm.sys
> create a file: /usr/lpp/adsm/bin/inex.lst
>     exclude /.../*
>     exclude /*
>     include /william/data/*
> Then when I use command "#dsmc incremental" to backup /william/data, after I 
> input
> the password, it backup the whole system.
> By the way, it works perfect in NT client which using dsm.opt for 
> include/exclude.
> Any suggestion?

In the non /william/data directories, is it backing up the files too, or
just the directories?  Unless you code exclude.fs and exclude.dir's, it
will still look at the entire system, backing up all of the entire
directory structure, but not the files...

Steve (unVMix Systems Programmer/Dude) Roder
(tkssteve AT DOT edu | tkssteve AT acsu.buffalo DOT edu | 
(716)645-3564 ,