Re: check if scheduler is running

1999-03-30 12:09:41
Subject: Re: check if scheduler is running
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT BU DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 12:09:41 -0500
>I would like to know is the scheduler is running on all my client nodes
>before the backup starts. Is there a way to check this without logging
>on to the client?

Clients don't have TCP/IP ports open until the schedule comes due, so one
can't bounce off those ports to determine existence.
The closest thing might be the SHOW PENDING server command, unless a
comparable SQL query could be formulated.  But even then, that's an *expected*
client presence, whereas you want current actual.  This may require some
alternate access to the client to look for the ADSM client process.
      Richard Sims, BU
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