Re: selective backup/archive using GUI

1999-01-26 10:20:34
Subject: Re: selective backup/archive using GUI
From: Bill Colwell <bcolwell AT DRAPER DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 10:20:34 -0500
In < AT pop3 DOT rz>, on 01/26/99
   at 12:35 PM, Dirk Kastens <Dirk.Kastens AT RZ.UNI-OSNABRUECK DOT DE> said:


>At 12:27 26.01.99 +0100, Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,FC-SIL/INF. wrote: >I
>personnaly like this feature that ADSM do not display any excluded DIR! It
>>allows me to check the syntax of my excludes.
>>I think the reson for that is Performance of scanning.

>Yes, but I would like to have an option that makes it possible to select
>files from excluded dirs.

>Dirk Kastens _______________Dirk.Kastens AT uos DOT de
>Universitaet Osnabrueck       Phone: +49/541/969-2347 (work)
>Rechenzentrum               Fax:   +49/541/969-2470 (work)
>Albrechtstr. 28
>D-49069 Osnabrueck

You could make a copy of the dsm.opt file, say dsm.opt2, edit it and remove
the excludes.  Open a command line window, cd to
the adsm directory, and 'set dsm_config=<path>\dsm.opt2'.
now invoke dsm.  I don't know how, but you can probably make a
shortcut to do this.

If IBM added all the options that people have asked for to the
GUI, it would be a mess.

Bill Colwell
Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge, Ma.
bcolwell AT draper DOT com
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