Re: %Migr > %Util ??

1998-10-29 13:15:45
Subject: Re: %Migr > %Util ??
From: Nicholas Cassimatis <nickpc AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 13:15:45 -0500
DASD pools normally show the same values for %Mig and %Util, but for tape, it
normally doesn't.  From what I understand, from my own systems, %Mig measures,
basically, the % of tapes in use, with any data on them.  %Util shows how much
of that space is actually used.

I have a storage pool, 3 tapes (it's archive data), shows 73.8%Util, 100%Mig.
All 3 tapes have data on them, but
one is only about 1/3 full.

I may be wrong, but my theory has held out for me thus far.

Nick Cassimatis
nickpc AT DOT com

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