Re: Crazy Problems !!!

1998-10-27 23:00:30
Subject: Re: Crazy Problems !!!
From: Dwight Cook <decook AT AMOCO DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 22:00:30 -0600
     need more info...
     what does the q stg show... & q stg f=d
     are there any next pools, what are the devices

     OH!!! Wait I rememeber now...
     YOUR directory stuff always goes to the management class with the
     LONGEST retention unless you force it to another... so when it
     archives the files, it first archives directory info in the monthly
     pool, if this has the longest retention.

     You can really see this if you just archive a single file... the
     accounting records (last I checked) show two objects archived but I
     believe the summary info seen on the client reflects only one.

     So that's it... I believe you may also use the -dirmc with the archive
     cmd... I'm not really sure on that but you can double check...


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Subject: Crazy Problems !!!
Author:  ctorres (ctorres AT DOT br) at unix,mime
Date:    11/4/98 9:31 PM

I have the following crazy problem and I need a quick help.

I have tree Management Class:

NET    PADRAO    DAILY    uses the Storage Pool DAILY_POOL
NET    PADRAO    WEEKLY   uses the Storage Pool WEEKLY_POOL
NET    PADRAO    MONTHLY  uses the Storage Pool MONTHLY_POOL

When I execute the following command:

    dsmc archive sys:\*.* -archmc=weekly

The ADSM Server monts one tape to the MONTHLY_POOL, check the label,
dismount this tape, and monts the correct tape (that belongs to the

This problem disappear if I remove the Archive Copy Group that belongs
to the Management Class MONTHLY.

I have the following environment:

Server: ADSM Server for AIX version
Client:  ADSM Client for Netware with IP21370 (the last fixe for

In the past I have this similar problem with another environment:

Server: ADSM Server for NT version 3.1.x.x
Client: ADSM Client for NT version 3.1.x.x

Any Help ????

Thanks in advance,
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