Re: Connect agent for SQL Server questions

1998-07-28 09:41:54
Subject: Re: Connect agent for SQL Server questions
From: Del Hoobler <hoobler AT US.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 09:41:54 -0400

See my answers embedded below.

Del Hoobler
ADSM Agent Development

>> Here are some questions from our internal SQL Server support person:
>> 1.  Is ADSM case-sensitive?  Is the SQLDSMC command line interface
>> case-sensitive and is the SQL Agent GUI case-sensitive?
*** I assume you are referring to database names...
*** Well, yes and no. The GA version (1.1.0) of the SQL Agent
*** has a few small problems respecting case for database names.
*** We are fixing these problems.  They will be available in
*** the first SQL Agent PTF (1.1.1) due out this year.
*** When you code your backup commands "sqldsmc" make sure
*** you specify the database name in the proper case.
*** For example, assume two databases called "ABC" and "Xyz".
*** Your backup commands should look like this:
***    sqldsmc /backupfull:ABC
***    sqldsmc /backupfull:Xyz
*** The machine (SQL Server name) is not case-sensitive but the
*** SQL database names are.
*** The GUI and command-line client should work the same way.
>> 2.  How can the SQLDSMC command-line SQL backup/restore utility retrieve
>> the latest backup of a particular database without having to know the
>> OBJECTNAME?  If the way is to list the database backups using the
>> /ADSMQUERYDB, do you have an automated method to pick out the latest
>> backup objectname from that list and use it in a script file to restore
>> the database?
*** You must type in the complete object name as it displays on the
*** "/ADSMQUERYDB" command.  You could use a scripting tool like
*** perl, sed, or awk to do this for you but this is not handled
*** by the SQL Agent itself.
>> 3.  When the SQLDSMC command-line SQL backup/restore utility is used to
>> restore a database into another database using the /RESTOREINTO:dbname,
>> why does the database have to already exist on that machine in it's
>> original name.  I need to restore the database into a different dbname
>> but the original db is not on that machine.
*** This is a restriction of the GA version (1.1.0) of the SQL Agent.
*** The PTF coming out will remove this restrction.
*** For now, create the database temporarily to satisfy the SQL Agent.
>> 4. When I try to view the SQL Agent database backup log for a different
>> ADSM node, the log comes up blank.  However, when viewed on the node it
>> was created from, it is okay.  What is the problem?
>> Eg.  When running from the node SC631:  sqldsmc /adsmquerydb:*
>> /adsmnode:SC645     <-- the results are blank.
>>        When running from the node SC645:  sqldsmc /adsmquerydb:*
>> <-- the results are okay.
*** Alternate server restores are a problem with the GA version (1.1.0)
*** of the SQL Agent.  It has been fixed and will be available in the
*** first PTF mentioned above.
*** If you absolutely HAVE to do it, you can play games by renaming file
*** spaces on the ADSM server to meet your needs.  BE CAREFUL!
*** If you do this, make sure you rename it back and make sure it
*** is not done during a scheduled backup window for the database
*** or a new filespace will be created.
*** The filespaces are in the form of "SERVERNAME.DBNAME".

>> Thanks.
>> Allan.
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