ADSM - Extending DataBase Volume space????

1997-11-17 10:51:30
Subject: ADSM - Extending DataBase Volume space????
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 10:51:30 EST
Hello Fellow ADSM'ers

I have a question about adding space to my database volumes.

My System Programmer has allocated 2 new volumes of 800mg each on 3390 RAMAC/2
drives just like my current volumes ADSM.DB1 & ADSM.DB2.

How do I go about adding more space to my DBVOL??

Do I define a new and larger volume (2.4GB) and then copy the DBVOL's to the new
voulmes. Or do I extend my existing volumes to the new volumes..??

Here are some current query's from my system.
adsm> q db

Available Assigned   Maximum   Maximum    Page     Total      Used %Util  Max.
    Space Capacity Extension Reduction    Size    Usable     Pages       %Util
     (MB)     (MB)      (MB)      (MB) (bytes)     Pages
--------- -------- --------- --------- ------- --------- --------- ----- -----
    1,600    1,600         0       404   4,096   409,600   305,786  74.7  74.7
    1,600    1,600         0       404   4,096   409,600   305,786  74.7  74.7

adsm> q dbvol

Volume Name       Copy    Volume Name       Copy    Volume Name       Copy
(Copy 1)          Status  (Copy 2)          Status  (Copy 3)          Status
----------------  ------  ----------------  ------  ----------------  ------
ADSM.DB2          Sync'd                    Undef-                    Undef-
ADSM.DB2          Sync'd                    Undef-                    Undef-
                                             ined                      ined
ADSM.DB1          Sync'd                    Undef-                    Undef-
                                             ined                      ined

Any help would be great..

Thank You

Lee Fosbrink
Pittsburgh Mercy Health System
lfosbrink AT mercy.pmhs DOT org
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