Internal Error

2015-10-04 18:07:24
Subject: Internal Error
From: Popescu Florin [SMTP:florin.popescu AT BAS-EUROPE DOT COM]
I want do describe you the following event:

I have an ADSM server on NT4.0. I was connected to it with a single
client, a Win32 Client on Win95. One time, the machine stooped in the
middle of the backup without any error message and only "reset" helped

I restarted the PC, I started one more the backup and when I tried a
backup by tree on drive C a message appeared: "Internal Error, report
how you get this!" I uninstalled the client and reinstalled it again! (I
thought a Win95 registry problem has occurred) The same problem:
"Internal Error, report how you get this!" I scanned the C drive with
scandisk utility and I had found that a file is corrupt on that disk. I
corrected that problem and than everything worked.

So I think, when the Win32b backup client is querying the disk for a
backup by tree, and you have a file corruption on that disk, the above
error message appears. My opinion is this message should be more
explicit. (Something like "Error on the disk, can't continue").

And now one question:

In dsm.opt file we have that 2 parameters:

Tcpbuffsize 31
Tcpwindowsize 8

and we have also the following text: Some network cards may require
these values to be altered

Can you tell me more about these kinds of cards? Can these values affect
the connection with the server or only the influence the performance?

Sorry for my bad English and many thanks,

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