Re: Client install process

1996-09-26 02:20:58
Subject: Re: Client install process
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 08:20:58 +0200
> While the group is talking about the client install process...

Hi Bob (and others),

We are using ADSM heavily for two years now serving hundreds of nodes
of all kinds per site (having six sites spread over the country).

Since we are using DCE/DFS also heavily we exploited this technique to
install ADSM UNIX clients once and for all in ONE central place for ALL
users, that want to participate (we just offer this service, local
installation is not forbidden, but it does not make sense to support or
maintain hundreds of them manually). Data, that may be different (eg.
dsm.sys, dsm.opt) from client to client, may be kept locally, of course.

After installation within DFS (AFS, NFS3, or - if LAN - NFS2DFS, or NFS2
would do the same job) all that remains to do on the client side is to
restart the schedule demon.

For platforms not currently supported by this idea (PCs) at least
automatic local installation or updates are possible by downloading
pre-configured company-fit ADSM client packages from one server (the
same as above) just by activating an icon.

> ... What
> would be really nice is to put the new client code on the ADSM Server
> and set a switch that would cause each client to download the new client
> and install it automatically during the next incremental backup.

Hi, Muenchhausen, how do manage do do the first installation that way?


 Rainer Strunz,   DLR    German Aero Research Establishment

 Rainer.Strunz AT dlr DOT de    Research Centre Oberpfaffenhofen
 Tel +49-8153-28-2933    Dept. WT-DV-ITS
 Fax +49-8153-28-1136    D-82234 Wessling
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