ADSM Tools (Large post)

1995-12-14 04:05:05
Subject: ADSM Tools (Large post)
From: Andy Raibeck <raibeck AT CONNIX DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 14:05:05 +0500
In the spirit of the holiday season, I thought I'd share some tools for
reporting on ADSM that I've developed over the past year or so. They're
nothing fancy, but I find them useful. I hope you do, too (or at least
some of you).

Feedback is welcome. I'd appreciate hearing from those of you who find
them useful, or think you'll find them useful. This will encourage me to
share more in the future. I'm also open to other suggestions for creating
similar tools.

Now for some less pleasant business: While it may not be necessary for me
to say this to the subscribers to ADSM-L, I'm going to, anyway. All the
pseudo-legalese I wrote in section 1 of the following document is just my
way of saying that these are my intellectual properties, and that you may
not use them in any way, shape, or form for profit (other than to assist
you in your job, for which you earn money).

Now that that's out of the way.....

This is a rather large file. Hopefully you can save it to your disk (if
you want to, that is). To verify that you have the entire file, I'll
provide some information about it, which you can then compare with what
you received:

The pertinent contents of this file are between the "Cut Here" lines.
  That is, a few lines down from here is the first "Cut Here", followed
  by the document, followed by the second and last "Cut Here", which
  should be the last line of this post.

Save this post to a file on disk, then edit it. Remove all lines up to
  and including the first "Cut Here" line. Then go to the bottom of the
  file, and delete the last line, which should also say "Cut Here". Save
  the resultant file.

My copy of the file is 80,008 bytes in length and consists of 2,828
  lines. If yours is this size, then you should be all set.

If you have trouble receiving this file, let me know and I can post it
to the FTP server.

Lastly, when editing the file, use a non-proportionally spaced font (i.e.
use Courier instead of Times Roman, for instance). It'll look better.

Now, on to the tools.....

Andy Raibeck
Connecticut Mutual

--------------------------------- Cut Here ---------------------------------
                              ADSM TOOLS

    A small collection of miscellaneous utilities for reporting on
               IBM's ADSTAR Distributed Storage Manager


                           Andrew M. Raibeck
               Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
                       140 Garden Street, MS 007
                          Hartford, CT  06154
                          phone: 203-987-3521
                          fax:   203-987-6644

SECTION 1:  Background Information

SECTION 2:  ADSMSMF -  Sample Output
SECTION 3:  FSUMMARY - Sample Output
SECTION 4:  NACCESS -  Sample Output
SECTION 5:  NSUMMARY - Sample Output
SECTION 6:  OSUMMARY - Sample Output

SECTION 7:  ADSMSMF -  Source Code (ADSM V2 Server)
SECTION 8:  FSUMMARY - Source Code (ADSM V2 Server)
SECTION 9:  NACCESS -  Source Code (ADSM V2 Server)
SECTION 10: NSUMMARY - Source Code (ADSM V2 Server)
SECTION 11: OSUMMARY - Source Code (ADSM V2 Server)

SECTION 12: FSUMMARY - Source Code (ADSM V1 Server)
SECTION 13: NACCESS -  Source Code (ADSM V1 Server)
SECTION 14: NSUMMARY - Source Code (ADSM V1 Server)
SECTION 15: OSUMMARY - Source Code (ADSM V1 Server)


SECTION 1:  Background Information

DISCLAIMERS: This information is provided on an "as is" basis without
             warranty of any kind. Neither the author nor his company
             assumes any liability for damages resulting directly or
             indirectly from the use of this document, or the source
             code contained herein. Neither is the author nor his
             company responsible for fixing or updating this code.

PERMISSIONS: You may use this document and the tools herein FOR YOUR
             OWN INTERNAL USE ONLY. ANY alterations MUST continue to
             include SECTION 1 (this section) in its entirety,
             followed by your summary of changes and/or departures
             from the original document.

             You may distribute this document externally PROVIDED

                 * You may distribute ONLY the original, unaltered
                   document unless you have the express written
                   consent of the original author and/or Connecticut
                   Mutual Life Insurance Company.

                 * You may NOT distribute this document for profit,
                   or ANY kind of benefit (monetary or otherwise)

             You may not use this document, or any alteration thereof,
             for the purposes of profit, or ANY kind of benefit (mone-
             tary or otherwise) whatsoever, beyond the normal use for
             which it was intended. "Normal use" is defined as using
             and customizing the tools listed in this document for the
             purpose of reporting on one or more ADSM servers running
             on those systems belonging to you and/or your company.

             Likewise you may not sell or otherwise distribute for
             profit, or ANY kind of benefit (monetary or otherwise)
             whatsoever, utilities derived from those contained within
             this document.


    DESCRIPTION: "ADSM TOOLS" is a small collection of miscellaneous
                 utilities for reporting on IBM's ADSTAR Distributed
                 Storage Manager. There are five (5) tools in all:

                 1) ADSMSMF: A SAS utility for reading the SMF records
                    created by ADSM. Four sample reports are included.
                    The input routine reads all fields, so you should
                    have very little problem creating your own custom

                    In my shop, we use a generation data group (GDG)
                    to store ADSM's SMF records, with each generation
                    data set holding a month's records.

                 2) FSUMMARY: This REXX utility reads the output from
                    the QUERY FILESPACE command and displays filespace
                    capacity and utilization by platform.

                 3) NACCESS: This REXX utility reads the output from
                    the QUERY NODE FORMAT=DETAILED command, and displays
                    a list of those clients that haven't accessed the
                    ADSM server within a user-specified number of

                 4) NSUMMARY: This REXX utility reads the output from
                    QUERY NODE and displays the number of registered
                    clients by platform.

                 5) OSUMMARY: This REXX utility reads the output from
                    QUERRY OCCUPANCY and displays the total number of
                    files and total number of megabytes stored within
                    each pool. Optionally, it will also read the
                    output from QUERY NODE and break the above totals
                    down by platform. Note: this option is not avail-
                    able in the version for the ADSM Version 1 server.

                 Due to changes in the output format of the QUERY
                 commands, I've included two versions each of tools
                 (2) - (5), one that reads the output from Version 1
                 servers, and another that reads the output from
                 Version 2 servers. In addition, I may have added some
                 minor enhancements to the versions for Version 2,
                 which have not been retrofitted into the versions for
                 Version 1 (simply because I no longer support the
                 Version 1 server in my shop).

         AUTHOR: Andrew M. Raibeck
                 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company
                 140 Garden Street, MS 007
                 Hartford, CT  06154
                 phone: 860-987-3521
                 fax:   860-987-6644

    ASSUMPTIONS: - Your server is ADSM/MVS Version 1 or Version 2.
                 - The ADSMSMF utility requires SAS. We have SAS 6.08,
                   but the code should also execute correctly with SAS
                 - The FSUMMARY, NACCESS, NSUMMARY, and OSUMMARY tools
                   all read the output of ADSM QUERY commands. The
                   commands must be issued from the TSO Admin client
                   using redirection to store the output in an MVS
                   data set. Example:

                      QUERY OCCUPANCY > 'DSM.P.QOCC'

                   The reason for using the TSO Admin client is that
                   the output from certain commands may be formatted
                   differently than the output generated by the same
                   command issued from, for example, the OS/2 Admin

    FINAL NOTES: I wrote the core of each of these programs fairly
                 quickly (i.e. 15 minutes or less), although I did
                 take some additional time later to add some comments
                 and a few (VERY few) cosmetic touches (you should
                 have seen what they looked like before!). My point is
                 that these solutions may not be the most elegant, but
                 they do the job.

                 I won't guarantee that the code presented here will
                 work with all future versions of the ADSM server.
                 Some modifications may be required with the next
                 version, as was the case when we went from Version 1
                 to Version 2. In this case, the modifications were

                 Finally, although these were written for the MVS
                 server, it's possible that they could be ported to
                 other platforms with a little creativity and per-
                 severence. I wouldn't expect the REXX programs to be
                 too difficult, but because SAS doesn't resemble any
                 other conventional programming language (at least
                 not that I can tell), this would probably be a much
                 more difficult task. However, if you have a mainframe
                 available (with SAS), you could probably transmit
                 some other server's (i.e. AIX, OS/2, etc.) accounting
                 records there, and then use the SAS code. In this
                 case, you might need to alter the SAS input routine
                 if the record format differs from that of the SMF
                 records generated by the MVS server.

SECTION 2:  ADSMSMF -  Sample Output

SAMPLE OUTPUT LISTING: Report #1 - This displays some statistics for
   each SMF record (i.e. each client session). In particular, the
   following information is displayed:

   - Node name (NODENAME)
   - Date and time the session ended (SMFDATE and SMFTIME)
   - Duration of the session (SESSMIN)
   - Amount of data (in MB) backed up (BKUPSMB)
   - Backup rate (MBPERMIN)

   NOTE: The backup rate (MBPERMIN) is not meaningful, and should
   probably be removed from the program. It is calculated simply by
   dividing BKUPSMB by MBPERMIN. Because ADSM probably spends more
   time scanning drives for changed data than it does actually
   backing data up, this number does NOT represent the sustained data
   rate. For example, if the incremental backup for your Windows 3.1
   client takes 5 minutes to run but backs up only 2 MB, BKUPSMB would
   be calculated as (2 MB) / (5 Minutes) or 0.4 MB per minute. But
   suppose ADSM actually spent 4.5 minutes scanning the drive for
   changed data, and only 30 seconds actually sending data to the
   server. Then the true sustained rate would be (2 MB) / (.5 Minutes)
   or 4 MB per minute. Thus, DO NOT USE MBPERMIN FOR MEASURING


AGT_SRVC_2N_1         01DEC95    22:45:07     99.783      32.70      0.3277
AGT_SRVC_2N_1         03DEC95    22:23:12     78.733      23.41      0.2973
APO_NT_1              01DEC95     5:17:39     76.067     505.03      6.6393
CMFS_SH09_1           02DEC95     0:06:32    201.500     699.04      3.4692
CMFS_SH09_1           03DEC95    21:59:12     74.167     470.67      6.3461
PRINTSHOP_BN_1        01DEC95     4:17:48     16.383      73.11      4.4625
PRINTSHOP_BN_1        02DEC95     4:15:30     14.167      33.96      2.3975
TR_GS1W_1             01DEC95    21:30:45     26.300      29.55      1.1237
TR_GS1W_1             03DEC95    21:20:40     17.033       1.63      0.0956
WIS_LAB_1             01DEC95     4:07:35      6.517       4.60      0.7055
WIS_LAB_1             02DEC95     4:07:28      6.467       1.86      0.2871

SAMPLE OUTPUT LISTING: Report #2 - This report summarizes ADSM backup
   activity for each node. In particular, the following information is

   - Node name (NODENAME)
   - Total number of minutes in session (SESSMIN/SUM)
   - Total number of files backed up (BKUPINS/SUM)
   - Total amount of data (in MB) backed up (BKUPSMB/SUM)

|                               |  SESSMIN   |  BKUPINS   |  BKUPSMB   |
|                               |  SESSMIN   |  BKUPINS   |  BKUPSMB   |
|                               |------------+------------+------------|
|                               |    SUM     |    SUM     |    SUM     |
|NODENAME                       |            |            |            |
|-------------------------------|            |            |            |
|AGT_SRVC_2N_1                  |     1255.02|     2945.00|      458.79|
|APO_NT_1                       |      608.87|     3308.00|     4179.53|
|CMFS_SH09_1                    |     2018.07|     8244.00|     7240.29|
|PRINTSHOP_BN_1                 |      105.82|      923.00|      321.44|
|TR_GS1W_1                      |      348.13|     1040.00|      289.78|
|WIS_LAB_1                      |       64.47|      429.00|       33.60|
SAMPLE OUTPUT LISTING: Report #3 - This report averages ADSM backup
SAMPLE OUTPUT LISTING: Report #3 - This report averages ADSM backup
   activity for each node. In particular, the following information is

   - Node name (NODENAME)
   - Average number of minutes per session (SESSMIN/MEAN)
   - Average number of files backed up per session (BKUPINS/MEAN)
   - Average amount of data (in MB) backed up per session
   - Average backup rate per session (MBPERMIN/MEAN)

   NOTE: As in report #1, the average backup rate (MBPERMIN/MEAN) is
   not meaningful, and should probably be removed from the program.

|                     |  SESSMIN   |  BKUPINS   |  BKUPSMB   |  MBPERMIN  |
|                     |  SESSMIN   |  BKUPINS   |  BKUPSMB   |  MBPERMIN  |
|                     |------------+------------+------------+------------|
|                     |    MEAN    |    MEAN    |    MEAN    |    MEAN    |
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