Re: EXPORT not using scratch

1994-10-12 06:48:24
Subject: Re: EXPORT not using scratch
From: Pieter Groen <Pieter.Groen AT UCI.KUN DOT NL>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 11:48:24 +0100
On Fri, 07 Oct 1994 13:55:33 +0000 (GMT) Michel Gaillard said:
>> But when I issue the command
>> it asks for a volume with the name EXPORT.1 and the parameter 'format'
>> is DRIVE.
>> What do I do wrong?
>You did nothing wrong but you might want to specify specific volumes on which
>the exported data will be copied with the
>VOLumenames=list_of_volumes_separated_by_commas option available in the EXPORT
>xxx commands.
>Another solution (the one I use) is to "trap" the volume name in the DSMMOUNT
>Exec running in the EXIT machines and choose inside a predefined list when
>'SUBSTR'(volName,1,6)='EXPORT' or stgPoolname='EXPORT' and ask to mount this
>Cheers, michel

I followed your last solution partially by trapping the volume
name (EXPORT.number) and changing it to SCRATCH. That worked fine.
Thanks for your help.
Pieter Groen
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