
[nv-l] Network discovery without SNMP access to routers

2004-03-10 08:27:07
Subject: [nv-l] Network discovery without SNMP access to routers
From: <R.Veenstra AT Unive DOT nl>
To: <nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 14:07:51 +0100


Our company has a network with some rather odd requirements we have to adress with Netview.

We have several main offices with both serverfarms and user workstations (Windows). Additionally we have some 150 remote offices with only client workstations (windows) and basic authentication/file/print servers. These are connected over an MPLS WAN by an independent carrier. The WAN routers are property of this carrier and we are not provided with a community string to manage them. So effectively we have a CIDR-subnetted network with over 150 LANs, and are blind with respect to the routers.

Additionaly we need to discover all nodes in all subnets, because we need the Netview object database as input for several other processes. To complicate this, the workstations get their IP address by DHCP. But still we want to discover them, although there is no need to do status monitoring. We need a complete database of all network-connected nodes with a basic profile of their capabilities (we check for open ports to detect Windows OS, Tivoli Endpoint Software, Telnet etc), for which Netview is a very well-suited tool.

So the issue is: how to build a reliable discovery without access to the routers? We should not even try to connect to them with SNMP because the carrier doesn't like us flooding their error logs. Still we want them (as an IP interface) in our database, because we want to be able to differentiate between a server that is down and a lost WAN connection.

Can somebody point me in the right direction? This issue goes beyond the usual network configurations that are covered in the NetView manuals.

Some questions I already have:
- In the seed file one should not add nodes that Netview can't access with SNMP, so adding the routers isn't a good idea. But how can I make sure they will be discovered quickly? We want to monitor their status.

- If a node is explicitly excluded from SNMP status polling in the seed file, will it still be polled for it's configuration with SNMP? If Yes, how to prevent this?

- We can query the Cisco switches at the remote locations with SNMP. But since these are ethernet switches that the clients not directly connect to so I think it's very unlikely one would find more than only a few entries in their ARP caches. Could this be imploved by something like a periodical network scan with nmap, using the IP address of the switch as source address?

With kind regards,

Rick Veenstra
ICT Specialist Midrange

        Univé Verzekeringen
        Beheer & Exploitatie
        team Infrastructuur Ontwikkeling en Beheer
        Bezoekadres:    Hanzeplein 1, Zwolle - kamer B515
        Postadres:      Postbus 607, 8000 AP  Zwolle
        Telefoon:               (038) 427 8943
        Mailto:r.veenstra AT unive DOT nl


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