
[nv-l] NV 7.1.4 - ruleset that queries a smartset dont work

2004-03-05 04:39:20
Subject: [nv-l] NV 7.1.4 - ruleset that queries a smartset dont work
From: "Per Lütkemeyer" <pel AT dmdata DOT dk>
To: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 10:28:49 +0100

Unix version of Netview 7.1.4

I have created a ruleset that checks if  the node is in a smartset before forwarding the event.
- opened a dynamic eventbrowser using the ruleset just created
- selected  Manage and then unmanage of node in the smartset
- nothing hapens i the dynamic eventbrowser

In the static eventbrowser with ruleset "forwardall.rs", the traps that netview generates is present

any suggestions ?

Per Lütkemeyer
DMdata a/s
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