
[nv-l] ICMP packetsize

2003-12-08 06:09:29
Subject: [nv-l] ICMP packetsize
From: W.M.de.Bruin AT dnb DOT nl
To: nv-l AT lists.us.ibm DOT com
Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2003 11:57:27 +0100
Good morning all,
in our firewall we see large ICMP packets coming from Netview. These
packets are being considered an attack by the firewall as they are too
large. (1464 bytes). Why is Netview sending such large ICMP queries?
I have tried pinging from the commandline of the NMS (AIX 5.0) and then we
have ICMP packets of a "normal" size. (64 bytes) Is there a way to set the
ICMP packetzsize that Netview uses?

Wouter de Bruin
Network Management Specialist

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