
Re: Authirity access to Netview Maps

2001-11-05 11:54:18
Subject: Re: Authirity access to Netview Maps
From: "Stephen Hochstetler" <shochste AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 10:54:18 -0600

I think you have several options.

1.   For UNIX, the "netview" command accepts a parm of "-ro"  to force it
to open a read-only map even if it is the first.   put that into a script
and give that to your users to use.

2.  There are commands such as ovwchmod that change permissions on your map
database.    These could be used to force specific groups to have r/o

Do a "man netview" or "man ovwchmod" for more information or look in the
NetView doc.

Kind regards,
Stephen Hochstetler              shochste AT us.ibm DOT com
Internation Technical Support Organization  - Austin
Office - 512-436-8564                      FAX - 512-436-8701

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