
Re: AD Suffix

2000-12-18 15:47:26
Subject: Re: AD Suffix
From: Sergio Cardona <scardona AT visiontech.com DOT co>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:47:26 -0500
Hi mike:

is there any reason to NetView deleted the interface that are admin down

Thanks in advance,

Sergio Cardona.

>      When netmon does its config check it ask the question is the
> adminstatus up and if it comes back as false then netmon marks it as
> adminstatus down.  It has been that way since at least version 4.
> Hope this helps.
> Sergio Cardona <scardona AT visiontech.com DOT co>@tkg.com on 12/18/2000 
> 02:53:51
> PM
> Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>
> Sent by:  owner-nv-l AT tkg DOT com
> To:   IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>
> cc:
> Subject:  Re: [NV-L] AD Suffix
> Hi Leslie:
> I am working whit NV6.01 & aix 4.3.2.
> I am a bit confused, at night our client shutdown all the boxes in a
> remote location, and the local router tell NV that the interface is
> "Testing" instead of "down" (it only happend with the motorola routers),
> but NetView takes it like AD (Why ?), and then it deletes the
> interface,  it happend when it makes a the demandpoll, I have get the
> intefaces table via SNMP and the router still reports  all the
> interfaces.
> Another thing is, I have compared the routing table in the local site
> when the remote site is available and when not, an I have noticed that
> the local router does't report any route to the the remote site when it
> is  unavailable, is this correct ? I don't know but I had  expected that
> the local router had shown, all the routes and marked unavailable the
> one that correspond.
> Is It posible to you explain in deep how NV discover and draw the
> network ? I mean what are the SNMP mibs that NV take to learn the net?.
> Thank a lot,
> Sergio Cardona.
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