
Re: Custom Events to TEC Question

2000-12-12 22:53:55
Subject: Re: Custom Events to TEC Question
From: "Leslie Clark" <lclark AT us.ibm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 22:53:55 -0500
That variable binding is not enterprise-specific, it is standard MIB II
mgmt stuff.
The oid for that particular item is already encoded in the tecad_nv6k.oid
right at the top.
[1] mgmt.mib-2.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifIndex
 is "ifIndex"       ""
in the oid file. So you can refer to it by that name.
I hope you don't have a lot more questions on this, because that's about
all I remember from the one time I did forwarding to TEC on NT. ;) I did
the presence of mind to save the files, though!


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

"Graver Rodoy, Ofer" <ofer.grauer AT aeasa DOT com>@tkg.com on 12/12/2000 

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>

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To:   "'nv-l AT tkg DOT com'" <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>
Subject:  [NV-L] Custom Events to TEC Question

Hi everyone, let me just warn that I am a novice with Netview ...
I am running NV 6.0.1 for NT and when I force a DEC RouteAbout Router link
to go up and down I get the following event in the event Browser:

Trap Name: Link Up
SOURCE: netmon-related
Enterprise: AEASA
Link Up

DEFAULT FMT: enterprises.dec.ema.emaSystem.brouters.10.1
( generic:3 specific:0 args(1):
 [1] mgmt.mib-2.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifIndex.3 (Integer): 3

What I want is to forward those particular events to TEC (I have already
read the book on Adapters ..)
I am not able to find any specific MIB for those devices so I created a
custom Enterprise with # (AEASA)

What I don't seem to understand is that the argument of the event comes for
a branch other than mgmt.mib-2 ... along the MIB
tree, so I guess I won't able to add the right entries in the cds file.

Is that right ? Am I missing something here ? Do I need an
enterprise-specific MIB ? By the way, is there a document on interpreting
the adapter logfile ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

Thanks in advance,

Ofer Grauer

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