
RE: NetView GUI and Linux

2000-12-06 12:05:36
Subject: RE: NetView GUI and Linux
From: Stephen Elliott <selliott AT epicrealm DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 11:05:36 -0600
Frank, Gavin & Duane,

Thanks for your replies. It looks like it's a problem with our access method
then. This Linux user is coming in via telnet or ssh and it cores every time
he starts NetView. His nv6000.log file has only a date/time entry. He does
set all the xhost and environ's as noted below. His environment is:

VA Linux <myhost> 2.2.14-5.0.14smp #1 SMP Sun Mar 26 13:03:52 PST 2000 i686
XFree86 v3.3.6

The info we pulled from the core file is below. Does this ring any bells
with anyone?

$ adb /usr/OV/bin/ovw_binary  core
core file = core -- program ``ovw_binary'' on platform SUNW,Ultra-60
SIGSEGV: Segmentation Fault
invalid ELF header for /usr/OV/bin/ovw
no process
SIGSEGV: Segmentation Fault
g0    0x0                               l0      0x1004ff45
g1    0xeef05b2c    _return_zero        l1      0x14
g2    0x1                               l2      0xef0028d4
g3    0x2                               l3      0xef0056c4  _XUnlockMutex_fn
g4    0x364e38                          l4      0xef006d10  quarkRehash
g5    0x0                               l5      0x80000000
g6    0x0                               l6      0xef0056b0  _Xglobal_lock
g7    0x0                               l7      0xef005178  quarkMask
o0    0x217b1378                        i0      0xef206ad4
o1    0x0                               i1      0x33aa68
o2    0xef7fb438                        i2      0xefffd84c
o3    0xef7fabc8                        i3      0xefffd848
o4    0x2a8                             i4      0xefffd844
o5    0xefffd780                        i5      0x33c4a8
sp    0xef0e9ac8    _XmVirtualToActualKeysymList+0xac   fp  0xefffd7e0
o7    0x1004ff45                        i7      0xef0c73ec
y     0x0
tstate: 9982001a00  (ccr=0x99, asi=0x82, pstate=0x1a, cwp=0x0)
pstate: ag:0 ie:1 priv:0 am:1 pef:1 mm:0 tle:0 cle:0 mg:0 ig:0
pc    0xef0e9a7c _XmVirtualToActualKeysymList+0x60:             ld      [%o1
+ %
i0], %o1
npc   0xef0e9a80 _XmVirtualToActualKeysymList+0x64:             cmp     %o1,



Steve Elliott
Sr. Network Mgmt. Engineer
epicRealm, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin Newman [mailto:NEWMANGJ AT banksa.com DOT au]
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 12:19 AM
To: nv-l AT tkg DOT com
Subject: Re: [NV-L] NetView GUI and Linux


Further to my previous answer, I forgot to clarify how we do it - this is
probably preaching to the converted but just in case.

We run Netview on an AIX box and on the Linux box we run Mandrake with the
KDE desktop.

>From the Linux box we do the following..
1) type xhost + in a xterm to open up the X to all comers
2) telnet to the netview box then do the following
3) export DISPLAY=linuxbox:0.0 
4) netview &
5) exit from the telnet session

Netview then uses the X Server on the linux box as its display. I have not
had any problems with the keyboard emulation, the only niggle I have had is
with the 3rd button emulation on the mouse but this is minor. 

At some stage when I get some spare time I will probably write a driver for
the linux box to improve the 3rd button emulation but its low priority.

Cheers - Gavin

>>> Stephen Elliott <selliott AT epicrealm DOT com> 06/12/2000 03:49:56 >>>

Does anyone know if you can run an X-windows NetView console session on a
Linux box yet? Being X-windows it seems possible, but then that's the catch
word, seems. 


Steve Elliott
Sr. Network Mgmt. Engineer
epicRealm, Inc.

NV-L List information and Archives: http://www.tkg.com/nv-l

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