
Re: mgragent mib where is it? [followup]

2000-05-11 18:31:33
Subject: Re: mgragent mib where is it? [followup]
From: Ebagley2 AT aol DOT com
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 18:31:33 EDT

It appears that the problem is SEA 1.0.3...  We 
installed the latest Solaris 2.7 kernel patch 
(106541-10), the latest SEA 1.0.3 patch (107709-06), 
and modified the midmand.acl file as follows:


 acl = {
                communities = public, private
                access = read-write
                managers = *

acl = {
                 communities = private
                 access = read-write
                 managers = *
                 communities = public
                access = read-only
                managers = *

Note that the SEA patch supplies a new snmpd.conf
file, so you'll have to merge your changes into the
new file.  The patch installation does save a copy
of the old snmpd.conf file in /etc/snmp/conf/snmpd.conf.$DATE.

Tivoli Education

Subj:   RE: [NV-L] mgragent mib where is it? 
Date:   Tue, 2 May 2000 11:16:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time 
From:   Ebagley2 
To:   nv-l AT tkg DOT com 
I just requested a PMR number for our problem with
accessing mgrAgent variables with a read-only community
string.  The number is 05842,998.  

I mentioned your question about the -f flag to a 
developer who is working on this and she said
that the -f flag specifies whether mgragentd
will run in daemon mode.  So, the -f flag most likely
isn't the source of the problem.  She also mentioned that 
the most recent patch for SEA is 107709-06.  I only had
107709-03 installed and upgrading didn't solve the
mgragentd access problem, but it's worth mentioning 
that there are a number of other SEA problems that 
107709-06 corrects.

Tivoli Education

Subj:   Re: [NV-L] mgragent mib where is it? 
Date:   Mon, 1 May 2000 1:23:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time 
From:   Ebagley2 
To:   nv-l AT tkg DOT com 
This sounds a lot like the situation I encountered when configuring the
Solaris 7 client to connect to the Solaris 7 NetView server.  I had to access
with a read/write community string for the client to successfully read the 
mgrAgentd variables.  For testing, I modified the
/etc/snmp/conf/mgragentd.acl to allow read/write access for public, but now
wonder if that -f flag you mention has something to do with the problem.  

We've reported this to development, as well, so we should know something more


Tivoli Education

In a message dated Mon, 1 May 2000 11:47:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
"Rauwers, Laurens" <rauwers AT hitt DOT nl> writes:

<< Hello,

Running NV5.1.2 on SUN solaris 2.7

The MIB address cannot be read on our 2 NetView Servers.
This is the MIB from the mgragent daemon.
This daemon runs with param. -f.
I cannot find a man page of this daemon.
So can someone tell me why this MIB cannot be read?

It is working fine on a DEC UNIX system.

Thanks in advance.

Laurens Rauwers
e-mail: rauwers AT hitt DOT nl

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