
Réf. : Root Cuase Ruleset

2000-04-18 08:22:45
Subject: Réf. : Root Cuase Ruleset
From: alexis.henry AT bnpgroup DOT com
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 14:22:45 +0200
I will say what Leslie said to me when i asked this question a few days ago: it
is very complicated.
In fact Netview V6 do it aone, without ruleset. If you have a look to "Examples
Using Netview for AIX V4" on IBM redbook (maybe tivoli redbook) you will see in
chapter 7, from page 188 to 194, a way to do it. But you need to download some
binaries to use the ruleset and i don't know if you can get it from the tivoli's
ftp site.

Good luck.

Alexis Henry
Banque Nationale de Paris

Alexis.Henry AT bnpgroup DOT com

Keith Webster <kwebster AT teksystems DOT com> on 18/04/2000 13:43:49

Veuillez répondre à IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l AT tkg DOT com>

Pour :    "NetView, Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on"
      <NV-L AT UCSBVM.ucsb DOT edu>
cc :   (ccc : Alexis Henry/DOSI/BNP)
Objet :   [NV-L] Root Cuase Ruleset


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Does anyone on the list have any information or know where I can get
info on how to correlate events coming from a router that is down i.e.
node down and interface down and the devices behind it so that only the
router events (root cause) are displayed or alerted on and not the
devices behind the router that are actually still up.

I would like to eliminate the unnecessary events and alerts.

Keith Webster

Attachment: kwebster.vcf
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