
Re: Extracting just a single field from objdb???

1999-11-17 15:58:22
Subject: Re: Extracting just a single field from objdb???
From: "Boyles, Gary P" <gary.p.boyles AT INTEL DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 12:58:22 -0800
Here's a perl-code example that I wrote awhile back.  It runs on either
NetView AIX or NT.  It does what you want.  If you don't want temp-files
lying around... always use the "once" cache flag.

To use it (for your example) type...

get_nv_field_info.pl yourNode  "TopM Interface List" once

For generic usage:

get_nv_field_info.pl -h

It should work for just about any field.


Gary Boyles


# Procedure:    get_nv_field_info.pl
# Description:
# ===========
# Get specific field-information from the ovw database  (via ovobjprint)
# This program uses the idea of a cache-file with ovobjprint.  It runs
# ovobjprint, and then saves the info to a file (c:\temp or /tmp).  It
# will then read follow-on information from the file, until you tell it
# to read new info, or until the file is 20 minutes old.
# Inputs:
# =======
# 1)  Node-Name  2)  Field-To-Get  3)  cache-flag (new,use,delete,once)
# Modifications:
# Date          Who     Reason
# ===========   ===

$True           = "1";          # Perl standard for true/false
$False          = "0";

$prgName        = 'get_nv_field_info';
$prgVer         = 'V1.0-01';

#print "\n$prgName $prgVer \n\n";

# Initialize Variables
@rtnList        = ();                   # Used for subroutine returns

$thisNode       = "";                   # Current Node
$thisField      = "";                   # NetView Field

# Get arguments
$thisNode  = $ARGV[0];          # Node Name
$thisField = $ARGV[1];          # NetView Field
$cacheFlag = $ARGV[2];          # Cache Flag

if    ( "$cacheFlag" ne "use"           &&
        "$cacheFlag" ne "delete"        &&
        "$cacheFlag" ne "once"          &&
        "$cacheFlag" ne "new"   )       { $cacheFlag = "use"; }

# Print out usage message
if ( $ARGV[0] eq "-h" || $ARGV[0] eq "" || $ARGV[0] eq "help")
  print "\n$prgName $prgVer \n\n";
  print "Usage:  $prgFile Node Field-Info \n\n";
  print "Usage:  $prgFile gxx.nobody.com isIPRouter  [cacheFlag]\n";
  print "Usage:  $prgFile gxx.nobody.com sysLocation \n";
  print "Usage:  $prgFile gxx.nobody.com sysLocation new \n\n";
  print "Cache Flag Options = new, use, once, delete \n";
  print "Cache Flag Default = use \n\n";

# Get ovobjprint information
($errStat, @rtnList) = &get_NV_field_info("$thisNode","$thisField",

foreach $aLine (@rtnList)
  print "$aLine\n";


# Subroutine:   get_NV_field_info
# Input:        1)  Node  2) Field-To-Get  3)  Cache-Flag:
#                     new    - get new  info and don't delete after use
#                     once   - get new  info then delete after use
#                     use    - get info from cache (if cache is present)
#                     delete - just delete the cache (don't do anything
# Outputs:      Status + String containing field info
# Description:
# Get the information from the ovw database for a field (for any object)
sub get_NV_field_info
  my ($the_OS)  = $ENV{"OS"};
  my ($nv_drive)        = $ENV{"NV_DRIVE"};
  my ($uniqueKey)       = $$;
  my ($First_Line_Flag) = "$True";

  my ($errStat) = "$False";
  my (@rtnList) = ();

  my ($cacheFile);
  my ($fileName)        = "";
  my ($inLine)          = "";
  my ($xChar)           = "";
  my ($xLine)           = "";

  my ($create_time)     = 0;
  my ($now_time)        = 0;

  my (@nodeTbl)         = ();
  my (@pLine)           = ();
  my (@aLine)           = ();
  my ($f_ptr)           = 0;
  my ($c_ptr)           = 0;
  my ($l_ctr)           = 0;

  my ($fieldFlag)       = "";

  my ($the_Node)  = "$_[0]";            # Node-name
  my ($the_Field) = "$_[1]";            # OVW-field to get
  my ($cacheFlag) = "$_[2]";            # Info from

if ($cacheFlag eq "" ) { $cacheFlag = "use"; }

# Configure OS-dependent stuff
if ("$prgName" eq "") { $prgName = "Get_NV_Field_Info"; }

$fileName = "Get_NV_field_info.$the_Node";

# Setup path & command-names
if ( "$the_OS" eq "Windows_NT" )
  $ovObj_cmd    = "$nv_drive"."\\usr\\OV\\bin\\ovobjprint -s";
  $cacheFile    = "C:"."\\temp\\"."$fileName";
  $ovObj_cmd    = "/usr/OV/bin/ovobjprint -s";
  $cacheFile    = "/tmp/"."$fileName";

# What are we supposed to do:
#   1)  Just delete the file-cache for that node.
#   2)  Read from the cache (if it exists)
#       If it doesn't exist... read info into cache-file
#       IF its over 15 minutes old -- re-build it.
#   3)  Just get new info and put it into the cache
if ( $cacheFlag eq "delete" )
  return ("$True","Cache_File_Deleted");
elsif ($cacheFlag eq "use" )
  if (-e $cacheFile)                            # Cache-file exists
    @rtnList      = stat($cacheFile);
    $create_time  = $rtnList[10];
    $now_time     = time;
    if ( ($now_time - $create_time) > 1200 )    # But if its old -- reload
      $errStat = `$ovObj_cmd $the_Node > $cacheFile`;
  else                                          # Cache-file doesn't exist
    $errStat = `$ovObj_cmd $the_Node > $cacheFile`; # So create it
else                                            # Here we're requesting new
  $errStat = `$ovObj_cmd $the_Node > $cacheFile`;

# Extract the specific field-info from the cache-file
open (IN_LIST, "$cacheFile");           # Open temp-file

$fieldFlag = "$False";

$l_ctr = 0;
while (<IN_LIST>)               # Process entire file... looking for
  $l_ctr++;                     # Keep track of number of lines
  ~s/^\s*//;                    # Remove leading spaces (needed for perl4)

  $inLine = "$_";
  @pLine = split(/\s+/,"$inLine");

  if ( $fieldFlag eq "$True" )  # Get by FIELD... then search for field-info
    $aLine[0] = "$_";           # Get the line of text
    $f_ptr = index ("$aLine[0]", "$the_Field");
    if ( $f_ptr != -1 )         # Exit loop if this is THE line.
      $c_ptr = 1;
      while (<IN_LIST>)
        ~s/^\s*//;                      # Remove leading spaces
        if (substr("$_",0,1) eq "\"")   # Check for double-quote
          push (@aLine, "$_");          # so push it onto our list.
      }                                 # Field-flag if
    }                                   # Field-flag if
  else                          # Loop until FIELD keyword is hit
    if ( "$pLine[0]" eq "FIELD" ) { $fieldFlag = "$True"; }

close (IN_LIST);                # Close  temp-file

# If object-info is incomplete -- exit with error
if ($l_ctr < 4)

# Delete cache after use (if asked to)
if ( $cacheFlag eq "once" ) { unlink ($cacheFile); }

# Process the field-info
@rtnList = ();                  # Init return-array again

if ( $f_ptr != -1 )             # If its a valid-field... get the info
  $f_ptr = $f_ptr + length ( "$the_Field") + 1; # Get past field-tag

  $aLine[0] = substr ( "$aLine[0]", $f_ptr ); # Get info (with leading

  foreach $xField (@aLine)
    $_     = $xField;
    tr/\"/ /;                   # Convert double-quotes to white-space char
    ~s/^\t*//;                  # Remove leading tabs
    ~s/^\s*//;                  # Remove leading spaces
    s/\s*$//;                   # Remove trailing spaces

    @pLine = split(/\s+/,"$_"); # Parse into components (perl4 format)

    push (@rtnList, "@pLine");  # Push field-info onto list
  push (@rtnList, "");          # Push null-info onto list

return ( "$True", @rtnList );           # Return field-info

