
Re: Passing $A $E $e .etc to script-level code

1999-11-02 17:38:04
Subject: Re: Passing $A $E $e .etc to script-level code
From: Bruce Bramhall <bruce AT tkg DOT com>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 16:38:04 -0600
Hi Larry,

The parameters are simply passed in on the command
line. Here is a simple perl script that logs two
command line arguments to a file.

C:\>type duh.pl
open (FH, ">>c:/testfile.txt") || die("can't open file");
print FH "Arg1 $ARGV[0], Arg2 $ARGV[1]\n";
close (FH);

A couple of tricks:
In the Trap Settings / Trap Properties dialog, on
the line that says "Run this command when the trap
is received" use the full pathnames with the slash
"/" character not the usual WinNT back-slash "\"

c:/perl/bin/perl.exe c:/scripts/duh.pl "$T" "$S"

This is all from memory but I think it's right.

Bruce Bramhall           bruce AT tkg DOT com         (512)433-3320
SCTrace shows you every system and function call that a
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