
navtree(history) area on map

1999-10-11 17:00:06
Subject: navtree(history) area on map
From: Rob Napholz <tel1rxn AT NJCMAIL.UPS DOT COM>
To: nv-l AT lists.tivoli DOT com
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 17:00:06 -0400
Is there a way to remove or decrease the history area on the map
I am referring to area F (see below )

I was able to decrease this are by changing the height of the icons
by editing /usr/OV/app-defaults/OVw and changing
OVw*scrolledBoxBoxHeight:       from 70 to 35
but this effected area F + C not what I wanted

I looked through /usr/OV/app-defaults/OVw
nothing jumped out at me.

Any hints ??
thanks Rob

from usr/OV/app-defaults/OVw

!      +-------------------------------------------------+  --x-----x--
!      |                         A                       |    |3    |
!      +-----+-------------------------------------------+  --x-    |
!      |     |                                           |          |
!      |     |                                           |          |
!      |     |                                           |          |
!      |     |                                           |          |
!      |  C  |                   B                       |          |4
!      | (*) |                                           |          |
!      |     |                                           |          |
!      |     |                                           |          |
!      |     |                                           |          |
!      +-----+-------------------------------------------+  --x-    |
!      | D(*)|                   E(*)                    |    |5    |
!      +-----+-------------------------------------------+  --x-    |
!      |                         F(*)                    |    |6    |
!      +-------------------------------------------------+  --x-----x--

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