
[Networker] Session statistics broken for over 2Tb.

2012-10-25 11:48:31
Subject: [Networker] Session statistics broken for over 2Tb.
From: Yaron Zabary <yaron AT ARISTO.TAU.AC DOT IL>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 17:48:21 +0200
Hello all,

I have this script which tries to dig some statistics from nsradmin's session statistics. It works nicely for sessions smaller than 2Tb, but breaks above that. I suspect that nsradmin does 32 bit counters. For example:

[root@legato ~]# nsradmin
NetWorker administration program.
Use the "help" command for help, "visual" for full-screen mode.
nsradmin> . type: NSR
Current query set
nsradmin> option hidden;

Hidden display option turned on

Display options:
        Dynamic: Off;
        Hidden: On;
        Raw I18N: Off;
        Resource ID: Off;
        Regexp: Off;
nsradmin> option dynamic
Dynamic display option turned on

Display options:
        Dynamic: On;
        Hidden: On;
        Raw I18N: Off;
        Resource ID: Off;
        Regexp: Off;
nsradmin> show session statistics
nsradmin> print
          session statistics: id = 285113144, jobid = 0,
                              name =, mode = browsing,
"group = ", "pool = ", "volume = ", rate kb = 0, amount kb = 0, total kb = 0, amount files = 0,
                              total files = 0, start time = 1350993680,
                              connect time = 185605, num volumes = 0,
                              used volumes = 0, completion = running,
                              flags = 0, "level = ", id = 285113524,
                              jobid = 76501, name = cloning session,
mode = recovering, "group = ", pool = DDPool,
                              volume = DDPool.001.RO, rate kb = 0,
amount kb = 129176321, total kb = 1018277321,
                              amount files = 0, total files = 0,
start time = 1351029303, connect time = 149982,
                              num volumes = 0, used volumes = 0,
                              completion = running, flags = 4, "level = ",
                              id = 285113525, jobid = 76501,
                              name =, mode = saving,
"group = ", pool = TAUDefault, volume = JDF648,
                              rate kb = 0, amount kb = 0, total kb = 0,
                              amount files = 0, total files = 0,
start time = 1351029303, connect time = 149982,
                              num volumes = 0, used volumes = 5,
                              completion = running, flags = 26, "level = ";
[root@legato ~]# /usr/local/TAUSRC/Local/ToolBox/
76501 r=0MB/s size=841GB/971GB time=16205m ETA=5/23:43

  The size is reported correctly with nsradmin's session attribute:

[root@legato ~]# /usr/local/TAUSRC/Local/ToolBox/|nl
     1 browsing
2 cloning session:1 of 7 save set(s) reading from DDPool.001.RO 4431 GB of 5313 GB 3 session saving to pool 'TAUDefault' (JDF648)

NMC is no better. It thinks that the size of this staging session is 1018Gb. I had this investigated under SR#44358972, but they claimed that this was OK with 7.6.3HF and was related to NW138153. Networker is now, but the problem is still here.

 Does anyone knows which version has this corrected ?


use lib "/usr/local/TAUSRC/Local/ToolBox";
use Nsradmin;
require "";


$server = "legato";
$query  = "type: NSR ";
$show   = "session statistics";
$options = "hidden; dynamic";

@reslist = query($server, $query, $show, $options);

# A reslist is a list of resources.  Resources are a
# hash of attributes, which have a name and value lists.

$found = 0;
foreach $res (@reslist) {
      %attrlist = %{$res};
      $attr = "session statistics";
      @vallist = @{$attrlist{$attr}};
      foreach $val (@vallist) {
         if ($val =~ "jobid")
           ($a,$jobid) = split(/ = /,$val);
         if ($val =~ "total kb")
           ($a,$totalkb) = split(/ = /,$val);
         if ($val =~ "amount kb")
           ($a,$amountkb) = split(/ = /,$val);
         if ($val =~ "connect time")
           ($a,$ctime) = split(/ = /,$val);
           $rate = $amountkb/$ctime;
           if ($found == 1)
            #print "$totalkb $amountkb \n";
            $left = $totalkb - $amountkb;
            $leftt = $left/$rate if $rate > 0;
            $eta = time() + $leftt;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$monx,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($
            $rate = int($rate/1024);
            $left = int($left/1024/1024);
            $leftt = int($leftt/60);
            $totalkb = int($totalkb/1024/1024);
            printf "%d r=%dMB/s size=%dGB/%dGB time=%dm ETA=%d/%d:%02d\n",
$jobid,$rate,$left,$totalkb,$leftt,$mday,$hour,$min if ($found
 == 1);
            $found = 0;
         $found = 1 if ($val =~ 'cloning session');


-- Yaron.