
[Networker] Autochanger configuration issue

2011-04-08 07:28:20
Subject: [Networker] Autochanger configuration issue
From: "Valinote, Marcelo F" <Marcelo.Valinote AT CHEVRON DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2011 08:27:08 -0300
Hi Networkers.


I`m trying to configure an autochanger (HP-MSL8096 - 4 drives LTO4) on a
storage node but it persists in staying unusable.


My scenario:


Server: Windows 2003 - Networker 7.2

Storage node: Windows 2008 (I`ve already tried some different versions,
older and newer)


1)     Configured by the client using jbconfig (used LTO3 option cause
there is not LTO4 option). Server can see the autochanger defined but it
doesn`t work. When I run any command by the client (e.g. nsrjb -s
<server> -HE) get the msg: nsrjb: RAP error: No jukeboxes are currently


2)     Trying the same command by the server: nsrjb -j <jukebox name>
-HE get the error msg: nsrjb: Unable to open SJI device [email protected].
Check device, connections and drivers.

nsrjb: SYSTEM error: No such file or directory. All the SCSI
configurations were checked and are OK.


3)     Trying to configure the device by the server using NetWorker
Configuration Wizard: in the third step, when server try to connect to
the storage node get the error: Can`t connect to RPC server on <storage
node name>



So, is it possible this configuration ?

Any suggestions will be very appreciated.


Tks in advance.




Marcelo Valinote 


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