
Re: [Networker] atimeasm and ZFS

2009-09-17 02:14:58
Subject: Re: [Networker] atimeasm and ZFS
From: Nick Tan <nick AT WEHI.EDU DOT AU>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 16:09:41 +1000
stes AT telenet DOT be wrote:

I haven't tried this, but on OpenSolaris there is a property that relates to 
this at the ZFS level:

# uname -a
SunOS gecko 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc

# zfs get all u/newt | grep atime
u/newt  atime                 on                     default

What is the result of the "zfs get all | grep atime" in your case ?

What happens if you zfs set atime=off ?

By the way, NetWorker 7.5.1 works on OpenSolaris if you use the OpenSSL 
libraries from Solaris 10, but this is not officially supported;

which version of Solaris do you use? Is it 10U7 ? I think the atime= property 
is there as well.


Hi David,

I have atime set to on. I want to keep access times enabled, but I just don't want Networker updating them.

We are looking at moving to a tiered storage system with policies in place to move files based on access and modification times. Access time policies won't work if Networker updates the atime on every backup. I was hoping that the atimeasm directive would work with ZFS but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case.



Nick Tan
Unix Systems Manager
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
nick AT DOT au

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