
[Networker] How to duplicate a client from command line?

2006-06-28 09:54:23
Subject: [Networker] How to duplicate a client from command line?
From: Manel Rodero <manel AT FIB.UPC DOT EDU>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 15:52:43 +0200

I'm trying to create an script for duplicating clients from command line.
The idea is the following:

- I have more than 100 clients defined with its savesets and arranged in the
"normal" backup group (with the "normal" retention and browse policy of 28
- Two times a year I need to do an "special" backup with a different
retention policy (1 year)

Until now, this special backup was for only 1 or 2 machines, so I created
manually these clients, changed their browse and retention policy and add
them to a new backup group.

The problems with this are:

1 - I need to create manually the clients and I need to define them with the
same savesets as the normal clients
2 - Then in the clients view I have duplicated clients so is difficult to
differentiate wich one is the "normal" client and wich one is the client
with the different policies

So the idea is create an script similar to this:

- The day of the special backup execute an script that
- Lists all the clients in the normal group and duplicate them chaging the
retention/browse policy and the backup group
- Do the backup (start the group)
- When the backup finishes, erase these special clients (the data in the
tapes will not be erased because of its 1 year retention policy)

If we need to recover data from these special backups (rarely), we will
recreate the necessary client and recover its data.

Any ideas about how to solve this problem? Any other ideas?

Thank you very much.

PS: Sorry for my bad english ;-)


o o o  Manel Rodero                   | LCFIB - UPC
o o o  Systems Manager                | Campus Nord - Modul B6
o o o  Laboratori de Calcul           | Jordi Girona, 1-3
U P C  Facultat Informatica Barcelona | 08034 Barcelona (Spain)
       manel AT fib.upc DOT edu              | Tel: +00 34 93 401 6940  | Fax: +00 34 93 401 7040

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