
Re: [Networker] Rather than re-invent the wheel - can some one help.

2005-04-22 07:07:48
Subject: Re: [Networker] Rather than re-invent the wheel - can some one help.
From: Conrad Macina <conrad.macina AT PFIZER DOT COM>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 07:00:53 -0400
This isn't quite what you want: It lists backup times per save set, but you
can readily infer the client times.


Conrad Macina
Pfizer, Inc.

---------- <snip> ----------

# Generate an mminfo report for every client, or for the set of clients
# specified on the command line. Reports the following values for every
# save set backed up during the specified interval:
# Save set name; start date/time; level; bytes backed up; files backed up;
# completion date/time; Data transfer rate, Kb/sec

usage() {
   echo ""
   echo "`basename $0` generates an mminfo report for every client, or for the"
   echo "set of clients specified on the command line."
   echo ""
   echo "Usage:    `basename $0` [-d <days>] [-g <group>] [-m <addr>]
[client [client [client...]]]"
   echo ""
   echo "Options:  -d <days> is the number of prior days to report on. Defaults"
   echo "             to 2. Note that '-d 2' means '2 days ago' and generates a"
   echo "             report covering three days, today and the two days prior."
   echo "             To report on yesterday and today only, use '-d 1'".
   echo "          -g <group> causes the program to report on all clients which"
   echo "             back up in the specified group. Note that all save
sets for"
   echo "             the client are reported, including those which are not
   echo "             of the group. If a client in a listed group is also
   echo "             as a client parameter, then that client will be
reported twice."
   echo "             Multiple -g parameters may be specified."
   echo "          -m <addr> specifies the e-mail address to which to send the"
   echo "             report. If omitted, the report goes to stdout."
   echo ""
   echo "Examples: `basename $0`"
   echo "          `basename $0` myclient"
   echo "          `basename $0` -d 7 -m 'Joe.Bloe AT yahoo DOT com' myclient"
   echo "          `basename $0` -d 7 -g Default -m 'Joe.Bloe AT yahoo DOT com'
myclient myotherclient"
   echo ""
   exit 1

# Note that "2" means "2 days ago" and generates a report covering three days,
# today and the two prior days. For a two-day report, use "1 day ago".

whosingroup() {
for GRP in $@
GRPP=`echo $GRP | sed 's!:!\\\:!''`     ;# Escape any colon chars in the group
echo "show name\nprint type:nsr client;group:$GRPP" | nsradmin -i - | nawk '
  BEGIN { N=0 }
  /^ +name:/ {
     X=index($0, ":")
     NAM=substr($0, X+1, length($0)-X)
     print "     ",NAM
  END { printf "%d clients identified.\n", N }
' | sort

DAYS=2    ;# Default: Report on 2 days
MAILADR="" ;MAILTMP=""  ;# Default: Report to stdout
GROUP=""   ;# Start with no groups specified
while getopts d:g:m: I
  # echo "I=<$I>, OPTARG=<$OPTARG>, OPTIND=<$OPTIND>"
  case $I in
    "d") # echo "d - CMDLIN=<$@>"
       DAYS=`expr $OPTARG + 0 2>/dev/null`
       if [ $? = 2 ]; then
          echo "Numeric argument required"
          exit 2
    "g") # echo "g - CMDLIN=<$@>"
    "m") # echo "m - CMDLIN=<$@>"
       MAILADR=$OPTARG  ;# Address to send to
       MAILTMP=/tmp/`basename $0`.$$.mail ;# Temp file for mail
       # Start the mail file
       echo "mail $MAILADR << !!" > $MAILTMP
       echo "To: $MAILADR" >> $MAILTMP
       echo "Subject: `hostname` Legato NetWorker Save Set Report `date
+%m/%d/%y`" >> $MAILTMP
       echo "" >> $MAILTMP

    \?) usage; exit 1 ;;

shift `expr $OPTIND - 1`

# echo "PARAMS=<$@>"

if [ -n "$GROUP" ] ;then
   echo "Getting group information, please wait ... \c"
   CLILIST=`whosingroup $GROUP`
   echo "Done"

if [ $# = 0 ] ;then
   # No parameters. If there's a group specified, use it. Otherwise get a
list of all clients.
   if [ -z "$CLILIST" ] ;then
      CLILIST=`/usr/sbin/mminfo -r client | sort -u`
   # Report on the clients listed in the command line.


for C in $CLILIST
  C=`echo $C | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
  CLI=`echo "show name\nprint type:nsr client" | /usr/sbin/nsradmin -i - |
grep $C | nawk '{print $NF}' | tr -d ';' | head -1`
  if [ -z "$CLI" ] ;then
     echo "$C is not a defined client on `hostname`"
  # Report header identifies the client
  echo "= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =   $CLI   = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ="

  # -ot = Order by time -r = report specs: name is save set name, sscreate is
  # save set create time, level is "full" or "incr", totalsize is bytes backed
  # up, nfiles is the number of files and sscomp is completion time.
  # echo /usr/sbin/mminfo -c $CLI -t \"${DAYS} days ago\" -ot -r
  /usr/sbin/mminfo -c $CLI -t "${DAYS} days ago" -ot -r
'name(15),sscreate(20),level,totalsize(12),nfiles(7),sscomp(20)' |
/usr/bin/nawk '
  SSSM=0   ;# Start time, seconds since midnight
  STF=0    ;# Field # where we found the start time
  ESSM=0   ;# End time, seconds since midnight
  BYTFLD=0   ;# Field # for the byte count
  for (F=1; F<=NF ;F++) {
    # Search for time fields (hh:mm:ss). 1st is start time, 2nd end time.
    if ($F ~ "[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]") {
       HH=substr($F,1,2) ;# Hour
       MM=substr($F,4,2) ;# Minute
       SS=substr($F,7,2) ;# Second
       SSM=(((HH * 60) + MM) * 60) + SS ;# seconds since midnight
       # printf "F=%d, TIME=%s, HH=%d, MM=%d, SS=%d, SSM=%d\n", F, $F, HH,
       if (SSSM == 0) {SSSM = SSM ;STF = F} else {ESSM = SSM}
    # 1st all-numeric field at least 2 past the start time is the byte count
    if ((BYTFLD == 0 ) && (SSSM != 0) && (F >= STF+2) && ($F ~ "^[0-9]+$"))
{ BYTFLD = F; }

  if ((SSSM != 0) && (ESSM !=0) && (BYTFLD !=0)) {
     ELAPSED=ESSM-SSSM ;# Elapsed Seconds
     if (ELAPSED < 0) {
        if ($0 ~ " AM | PM ") {
           ELAPSED = ELAPSED + (60*60*12)
           } else {
           ELAPSED = ELAPSED + (60*60*24)
     BYTES=$BYTFLD  ;# Bytes
     # printf "SSSM=%d, ESSM=%d, ELAPSED=%d, BYTES=%d\n", SSSM, ESSM,
     if (ELAPSED != 0) {
        BPS=(BYTES / ELAPSED) ;# Bytes per Second
        KBPS=(BPS / 1024) ;# Kbytes per Second
        } else {BPS=0; KBPS=0}
     # printf "BYTES=%d, ELAPSED=%d, BPS=%f, KBPS=%f\n", BYTES, ELAPSED,
     printf "%s %-4.1f\n", $0, KBPS
  else {
     # Start time, end time and/or bytes missing. See if this is the header
     if ($0 ~ "^ name") {printf "%s      Kb/sec\n", $0} else {print}
  echo ""
  echo " \c"

if [ -n "$MAILADR" ] ;then
   # Finish off the mail file and send mail
   echo "" >> $MAILTMP
   echo "!!" >> $MAILTMP
   chmod 777 $MAILTMP
   rm $MAILTMP
---------- <snip> ----------

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 06:43:04 -0700, Allan, Kevin <KEVIN.ALLAN AT SAIC DOT COM> 

>I would like to report on the elapse backup times per client, does some one
>have a script that I can use on a Solaris server.
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>to listserv AT listserv.temple DOT edu or visit the list's Web site at
> where you can
>also view and post messages to the list. Questions regarding this list
>should be sent to stan AT temple DOT edu

Note: To sign off this list, send a "signoff networker" command via email
to listserv AT listserv.temple DOT edu or visit the list's Web site at where you can
also view and post messages to the list. Questions regarding this list
should be sent to stan AT temple DOT edu